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Joyopark Update Part Three

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  • #91
    Originally posted by CureN View Post
    rattisia explained, thanks. hopefully i can play my toons later after maintenance.
    PM sent to you.
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    R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


    • #92
      Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
      Just an FYI- sharing, gifting, selling, etc, accounts/characters, is against the rules here.
      ML, they're good friends in real life. they help eachother like me and my husband use eachothers characters. IRL husband
      (S21) MissDee
      lvl 66+
      225k+ might
      GM of ROCKST★R
      Epic Alpaca
      In game and IRL wife of (J8)DeathBringer[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]

      if you need any help with in game problems add me on fb here and send me a pm. i hardly check my whispers and forum pms


      • #93
        Doesn't matter.. It's not allowed here to share. Accounts can be banned for doing so, and I would hate for any of you to run into that issue after working so hard to get the characters back in the first place.
        New R2 Community Discord Server:

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        Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

        Rules of the Forum are found here.

        R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


        • #94
          GM,,if i SEND u a ticket u can restored my account>>


          • #95
            Originally posted by R218551078 View Post
            GM,,if i SEND u a ticket u can restored my account>>
            dont u think its a little too late for that? the deadline was july 15th?

            @ML: so that means im risking to get banned for not keeping my account private from my husband, even if we share bank account from where both our characters are fed? that idea just sounds ridiculous for me

            when he goes to work 12 hours a day im the one who pilots his character and does the dungeons for him, shop, events etc.

            i understand account sharing is illegal because of scamming and hacking. ive seen so many people losing their characters to people they met online. but people that you know in your everyday life, or even more, live togheter for years, its a complete different story. i agree with those ones getting banned tho
            Last edited by deedeex; 07-18-2013, 04:18 AM.
            (S21) MissDee
            lvl 66+
            225k+ might
            GM of ROCKST★R
            Epic Alpaca
            In game and IRL wife of (J8)DeathBringer[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]

            if you need any help with in game problems add me on fb here and send me a pm. i hardly check my whispers and forum pms


            • #96
              Type One: The devs checked into the character database and were unable to find any information for a few chracters. It is now impossible to restore the following twelve players’ characters.
              For the above twelve players, we are continuing to search through the database to see if there’s any way to restore their characters. If we can’t, R2 will compensate them based on their loss.

              Yes he did say it was impossible to restore my character. But he also said devs were continuing to bring my character back. In conclusion, adidas was right. Impossible is nothing. Maybe it just an old post that hasn't be updated by mod yet.

              Last edited by zerozul; 07-18-2013, 04:25 AM.


              • #97
                Originally posted by zerozul View Post
                Type One: The devs checked into the character database and were unable to find any information for a few chracters. It is now impossible to restore the following twelve players’ characters.
                For the above twelve players, we are continuing to search through the database to see if there’s any way to restore their characters. If we can’t, R2 will compensate them based on their loss.

                Yes he did say it was impossible to restore my character. But he also said devs were continuing to bring my character back. In conclusion, adidas was right. Impossible is nothing. Maybe it just an old post that hasn't be updated by mod yet.

                xero this was posted after your character was restored. so it makes no sense
                (S21) MissDee
                lvl 66+
                225k+ might
                GM of ROCKST★R
                Epic Alpaca
                In game and IRL wife of (J8)DeathBringer[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]

                if you need any help with in game problems add me on fb here and send me a pm. i hardly check my whispers and forum pms


                • #98
                  Maybe they originally listed me as impossible-to-restore but somehow they managed to restore my character but then they completely forgot to remove my name before they posted it on forum. Just a theory from me. Perhaps mods have the answer.

                  For me, the impossible list was not a big deal. if my char can't be restored as was suggested by the list, whether i like it or not, i have to accept it and move on to other games, maybe. but if my char is succesfully restored(which is now) , but contradict with the list suggested, why should i bother.

                  Mislead, yes. but still not a big deal since players are able to check for themselves if their chars have been restored on not in said servers.
                  Last edited by zerozul; 07-18-2013, 05:28 AM.


                  • #99
                    Good day ML,,

                    I cant see my character in any server, but its in the list of character restored my character name
                    (S6 ) ( Kean ) please help me.
                    Last edited by MageKean; 07-18-2013, 05:25 AM.


                    • i think tinkywinky was restored. its showing her real level in my friends list now. still carbon shows as level 0 so does vhalupe
                      (S21) MissDee
                      lvl 66+
                      225k+ might
                      GM of ROCKST★R
                      Epic Alpaca
                      In game and IRL wife of (J8)DeathBringer[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]

                      if you need any help with in game problems add me on fb here and send me a pm. i hardly check my whispers and forum pms


                      • dede you back ?


                        • Originally posted by HorusOfBehedet View Post
                          dede you back ?
                          i was back on july 4th o.O first set of players restored
                          (S21) MissDee
                          lvl 66+
                          225k+ might
                          GM of ROCKST★R
                          Epic Alpaca
                          In game and IRL wife of (J8)DeathBringer[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]

                          if you need any help with in game problems add me on fb here and send me a pm. i hardly check my whispers and forum pms


                          • i hate you, im not back.



                            • Originally posted by HorusOfBehedet View Post
                              i hate you, im not back.

                              i gave all the right info and sent it i think few hours after they announced that the characters can be restored. many people are still not back. check both topics, they rage everywhere and i dont blame them. memorylane might be able to help out. just leave him the name and server of your char on the forum
                              (S21) MissDee
                              lvl 66+
                              225k+ might
                              GM of ROCKST★R
                              Epic Alpaca
                              In game and IRL wife of (J8)DeathBringer[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]

                              if you need any help with in game problems add me on fb here and send me a pm. i hardly check my whispers and forum pms


                              • i send memorylane and jprestore. not back, only waiting.

