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Crystal Saga's State of Mind

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  • Crystal Saga's State of Mind

    Greetings everyone,

    I've returned from being gone for about a year now and I've noticed a drastic change in the community and staff. It seems to me that Crystal Saga is or has been going down hill for a while now and that really saddens me. I've always enjoyed this game with the competition and constant grind. My thoughts of Crystal Saga is listed below.

    Dear Staff :

    It seems that the staff has lost all the inspiration for this game. I understand that they have other games and people change and lose interest in things. I just don't agree on how they did this to the community. Some if not most of the community has given up money to support you and the game and your paying them back by letting the game self-destruct. There are players complaining on the forums and somehow I'm the only one there to give them an appropriate warm welcoming response. For god sake someone is getting bullied and looked for help in the forums and a mods response was to file a ticket and no apology for the inconvenience or anything, it sickens me. When Crystal Saga first launched it seemed to me you guys were on top of everything, for the most part but now it seems you guys lost interest and your disappointing your community.

    Dear Community :

    I would just like to thank the community for sticking with the game even with it's known issues. This game is still a really great game and still has a lot to offer and It's always great to see new players exploring the game. I'm deeply sorry if you have waited over 2 weeks for your ticket to get answered or even worst, waited to get your crystals that you paid for. I'm even in more sorrow that you received a poor ticket response. It's just plain unprofessional and the community deserves 100%. Please continue playing Crystal Saga because I can assure you that it WILL get better.

    I'm so passionate about this game and would love to see it really big again with zero to slim errors or issues with the community. Even if this post gets trolled or whatever may happen, I'm going to stay and assist the community to the best of my abilities.

    I also apologize for making two threads on the same topic. I know it's annoying and it sickened me that I misspelled "crystal". Please overlook that last post.

    What do you think about Crystal Saga?

    What would you improve?

    TL DR: Crystal Saga needs a rebirth.
    Last edited by xSpOoKeDx; 07-10-2013, 08:15 AM.
    ~ Trust is like a mirror, you can fix what's broken but you can still see the cracks in the reflection. ~

  • #2
    First Lemme Say Welcome Back To The Game.

    Sometimes The Tickets Get Lost Or No One Is There To Answer Them, Simply Put For Me Anyway If A Ticket Is Unanswered For Maybe 3 Days, Id Post The The Ticket Number In The Forums.

    . If You Didn't Receive Your Crystals Send In A Ticket With Your Order Number And Everything And They Send It Pretty Quickly.
    . As well As If Tickets Are Unanswered For Other Things Like Questions And Reports, Just Post It In The Forums Alot Of People Will be Willing to Help.

    For god sake someone is getting bullied and looked for help in the forums and a mods response was to file a ticket

    xSpOoKeDx What Exactly Do You Mean By Bullied?

    In Any Situation Id Post A Screen shot If This Is Happening First They Will Probably Get A Mute First If Its In-game Then A Ban Following If they Keep It Up.
    Aswell as Just Simply Put The Person On Ignore List.
    Last edited by Insanity; 07-10-2013, 10:12 AM.
    Originally posted by iTz_SoN
    I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
    I treat all players equally - so they all die.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Insanity View Post
      First Lemme Say Welcome Back To The Game.

      Sometimes The Tickets Get Lost Or No One Is There To Answer Them, Simply Put For Me Anyway If A Ticket Is Unanswered For Maybe 3 Days, Id Post The The Ticket Number In The Forums.

      . If You Didn't Receive Your Crystals Send In A Ticket With Your Order Number And Everything And They Send It Pretty Quickly.
      . As well As If Tickets Are Unanswered For Other Things Like Questions And Reports, Just Post It In The Forums Alot Of People Will be Willing to Help.

      For god sake someone is getting bullied and looked for help in the forums and a mods response was to file a ticket

      xSpOoKeDx What Exactly Do You Mean By Bullied?

      In Any Situation Id Post A Screen shot If This Is Happening First They Will Probably Get A Mute First If Its In-game Then A Ban Following If they Keep It Up.
      Aswell as Just Simply Put The Person On Ignore List.
      Hey Isanity,

      Thanks for responding. I appreciate your clarifications and I hope you don't see me as some random person bad mouthing the game because I'm really not. I'm really just trying to get some answers. I respect the staff and I respect the community's voice.
      Last edited by Insanity; 07-10-2013, 10:13 AM.
      ~ Trust is like a mirror, you can fix what's broken but you can still see the cracks in the reflection. ~


      • #4
        Yeah I just posted in case others need help with a ticket in the future,Thanks for caring about the game.
        Originally posted by iTz_SoN
        I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
        I treat all players equally - so they all die.


        • #5
          AW wew I love CRYSTAL SAGA


          • #6
            If you haven't heard from r2 CEO's mouth, most Chinese MMOs lifespan is about 1-3 years depending on the game itself. CS has been around almost 2-years now, therefore its lifespan is almost over.


            • #7
              It's a dead game and it's definatly not as good as other games that are older and more fun.Games that are updated and kept alive by dev's that care about their game more than this one does.It's boring and laggy as heck and R2 responds to heavy cashers by deleting anyone who the heavy casher dislikes.
              So why play when this is the end result?
              Last edited by CindyS; 07-10-2013, 10:44 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by CindyS View Post
                It's a dead game and it's definatly not as good as other games that are older and more fun.Games that are updated and kept alive by dev's that care about their game more than this one does.It's boring and laggy as heck and R2 responds to heavy cashers by deleting anyone who the heavy casher dislikes.
                So why play when this is the end result?
                Yes but there can always be a come back with even better improvements if the team is willing to do so, I'd even help them.
                ~ Trust is like a mirror, you can fix what's broken but you can still see the cracks in the reflection. ~


                • #9
                  Originally posted by RAP2X3110X View Post
                  AW wew I love CRYSTAL SAGA
                  I'm glad to hear this! It really is a great game! Thanks for playing!
                  ~ Trust is like a mirror, you can fix what's broken but you can still see the cracks in the reflection. ~


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
                    If you haven't heard from r2 CEO's mouth, most Chinese MMOs lifespan is about 1-3 years depending on the game itself. CS has been around almost 2-years now, therefore its lifespan is almost over.
                    This is for the typical MMO, Crystal Saga can and will be different. It has the potential to stay alive.
                    ~ Trust is like a mirror, you can fix what's broken but you can still see the cracks in the reflection. ~


                    • #11
                      Question is will you help those who are cyber bullied and deleted simply because they don't back down from the bullies?Will you help the cashers or the victums of cyber bullies when they report this action?Or will you listen to the cashers because you'd rather have the money.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CindyS View Post
                        Question is will you help those who are cyber bullied and deleted simply because they don't back down from the bullies?Will you help the cashers or the victums of cyber bullies when they report this action?Or will you listen to the cashers because you'd rather have the money.
                        Yes I will CindyS. I've been bullied hardcore through the internet and even in real life to the point where I was actually suicidal. People judged me on my career and my personality and it's a horrible feeling. I rose above that and became the bigger person and now I'm completely an advocate for people who have been bullied. I also believe cashiers should not cross a line. I mean, there's a line they should no be able to cross while playing. Just because they have the money that some of us don't have is not a relevant excuse for them to be "God".

                        Let me also add, I DON'T want paid for this. I don't expect money for my assistance to the community. I'm passionate and determined to change this game for the better. I'm not even sure if I will get chosen to help R2 Games.
                        ~ Trust is like a mirror, you can fix what's broken but you can still see the cracks in the reflection. ~


                        • #13
                          I'm very happy to see you say this,I was bullied so bad I fear for my life for real.Just talking about it makes me cry.The fear the bullies create is very real but I still fought for those who they bullied up till I was deleted along with my ingame husband simply because we wouldn't back down.even our wedding was bullied when they entered uninvited and made rude comments,took cake and the heavy casher was the worst.Now she is married to one of the ones who entered with her.It makes me feel like R2 only cares for money and not for players who work hard to be good and help others the best they can no matter the odds against them,which is why i'm still here talking to you.some part of me can't let this go.
                          I never expected anything for my help against the bullies,i put myself in the way to help smaller ones.
                          Lost my char and my husband lost his to same day.


                          • #14
                            I want to continue playing crystal saga and if there are improvements illl be glad


                            • #15
                              Yup! it appears that the crystal saga gravy train is screeching to halt for r2 and all those schmucks who spent mega bucks to become top predators will be well and truly screwed,wah-ha-wah-ha!

