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Crystal Saga's State of Mind

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  • Originally posted by xSpOoKeDx View Post
    I'm going to say something and then I'm done replying to your posts.
    Give him good reply instead of resorting to such irresponsible reply
    Originally posted by xSpOoKeDx View Post
    Your full of hate and negative energy.
    I find it funny that someone who simply conveys his non-offensive opinions so that other people can give him some feedback in return can be considered "full of hate and negative energy"
    Originally posted by xSpOoKeDx View Post
    I probably know understand why they target you on your server.
    That guy already laid bare all of his reasons for being bullied in his server, as to why you could jump into such shallow conclusion, i take it you don't even understand what he's been trying to say at all
    Originally posted by xSpOoKeDx View Post
    Your the only one on here trying to call me out and frankly it's very not kind.
    Nice job on making sweeping generalisation and totally ignoring how other posters here did the same thing as well
    Originally posted by xSpOoKeDx View Post
    Your the kind of people that make me sad with all your negative energy and your personality.
    Huh? What about some other posters who write only hateful rant and useless complaint? You're not going to call them out on it and instead targeting a single poster who've been behaving civilly in the thread?
    Originally posted by xSpOoKeDx View Post
    Stop wasting your time on me because your not stoping me, move on.
    It seems we get a busybody here
    Originally posted by xSpOoKeDx View Post
    Enjoy crystal saga and I hope your day goes great!
    After all of your nonsensical and irresponsible replies to many other posters? Just. No

    Out of sheer curiousity. What do you know about R2? Their staffs? Any connections with them? And how they do things? If so, then good for you. But if not, i would simply ignore all of your statements and give you some chill pills so you can stop having such Mods complex
    阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
    地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


    • Originally posted by R24656887 View Post
      Give him good reply instead of resorting to such irresponsible reply

      I find it funny that someone who simply conveys his non-offensive opinions so that other people can give him some feedback in return can be considered "full of hate and negative energy"

      That guy already laid bare all of his reasons for being bullied in his server, as to why you could jump into such shallow conclusion, i take it you don't even understand what he's been trying to say at all

      Nice job on making sweeping generalisation and totally ignoring how other posters here did the same thing as well

      Huh? What about some other posters who write only hateful rant and useless complaint? You're not going to call them out on it and instead targeting a single poster who've been behaving civilly in the thread?

      It seems we get a busybody here

      After all of your nonsensical and irresponsible replies to many other posters? Just. No

      Out of sheer curiousity. What do you know about R2? Their staffs? Any connections with them? And how they do things? If so, then good for you. But if not, i would simply ignore all of your statements and give you some chill pills so you can stop having such Mods complex

      Thanks for responding and giving me your full most opinion. I really appreciate it. Also, thanks for playing Crystal Saga and supporting the game! It's really a great game and I'm glad to see people like you playing on it.
      ~ Trust is like a mirror, you can fix what's broken but you can still see the cracks in the reflection. ~


      • Originally posted by R24656887 View Post
        Mods complex
        true that


        • This spooked guy is strange, in 3days he got his postcount from 0-103, basically replys to every thread, even if to just add something that no1 cares about or wants to see.


          • Originally posted by Haphaestus View Post
            This spooked guy is strange, in 3days he got his postcount from 0-103, basically replys to every thread, even if to just add something that no1 cares about or wants to see.
            yes exactly like the way im doing now.....

            ...couldnt resist V_V


            • Originally posted by xSpOoKeDx View Post

              Thanks for responding and giving me your full most opinion. I really appreciate it. Also, thanks for playing Crystal Saga and supporting the game! It's really a great game and I'm glad to see people like you playing on it.
              I'd like to say, thanks for your optimistic, kind response. Almost sounds like I'm talking to those surveys, that say "Thank you for your opinion, we appreciate your time and paitence to help us." when you're done them.

              I'm glad you didn't take anything as a insult and push it back out, though I have agreed just as much as R24656887, for the fact you are saying R2 WILL do this and that, even though you know just as much or perhaps less since you have quit and came back. You are not aware of R2's plans for the future, so please be careful on those key words and add "I think" if you're not sure. You are giving people high hopes for stuff that aren't going to happen, right now or in the future.

              R24656887 pretty much said everything I was going to, and you are also bullying back to Squintina, throwing insults. Ah, the irony.
              In example:
              1. "Your full of hate and negative energy."
              2. "I probably now understand why they target you on your server."
              3. Your the kind of people that make me sad with all your negative energy and your personality.

              There are probably a couple more insults that I missed, but these are the main 3 ones.

              EDIT: One more note: Please do not double post (meaning post twice or more in a row, you can simple fit it all into 1 post unless you have reached the limit.)
              Crystal Saga:
              Server: S66
              Class: Knight - Protection
              Name: SlainAgain
              Soul: N/A
              Mount: N/A
              Wings: N/A
              Level: N/A

              Time to get ready for the altsssss.


              • Originally posted by xSpOoKeDx View Post
                They actually WILL. If you give them an appropriate issue with evidence to back it up then I'm sure they would have no problem assisting you. People are making the R2 Staff out as bad guys when in reality, they are not.
                they wont sir, trust me.. you dont know whats going on

                i shouldnt say this but from the deep of my heart i really want to say that
                OP you are so much butthurt and i will let it flow in this thread
                Last edited by loveshay; 07-11-2013, 08:52 PM.
                I love myself.


                • Im thinking this should probably be closed if it continues on like this..
                  Originally posted by iTz_SoN
                  I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
                  I treat all players equally - so they all die.


                  • Originally posted by Insanity View Post
                    Im thinking this should probably be closed if it continues on like this..
                    yes sir just close all rebels thread and people who make their statement so people will eventually leave the game wooops i mean they are already leaving
                    I love myself.


                    • Originally posted by Insanity View Post
                      40% of the server did read the terms of service and im basing my post off of that server, yes its not the same in every server theres gonna be a couple differences but 4/10 people said "i glanced at it" or "i read what not to do".
                      There is no way to find out if 40% of your server read the TOS unless you ask every single person which I doubt you did.
                      IGN: [Eidolon]:(s6)xemy
                      Windshear Peaks
                      Trap ranger


                      • Originally posted by iyasn View Post
                        There is no way to find out if 40% of your server read the TOS unless you ask every single person which I doubt you did.
                        No one bother to read TOS
                        I love myself.

