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Re: Epic Purgatory Set Successrate / Bugged Bosses

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Botolminum View Post
    Just ignore takeda's post, I think he's renfa/shaoren or whoever who keep claiming he didn't cash. I looked up previous posts of his, he managed to get superior frag 7 +13 in just a week or so time and this is before the fragarach change. Over 1000 Shining gems used, and claimed didn't cash, also about 500 DC that he got from no cashing in a week or 2.....

    You replied to his post too, speeds. Lol

    cash cash cash what you meaning a casher for a person?
    A person spend a lot cash into game but not stronger than normal people = casher?
    A person spend a lot cash into game and stronger than normal people = casher?
    A person spend no cash in the game but stronger than normal people = casher?

    since your meaning is who ever stronger MUST spend a lot cash then.

    Originally posted by speeds16 View Post
    Maybe I should post less so I keep track of that lol thanks. And yeah sup frag VII +13 and only shining gems socketed isn't the sign of a non-casher so he's talking bull most probably bout solo'ing purga NM >.> this secret way of solo'ing must be a secret cc lol.

    yes i am takeda but i forgot to change account to reply.
    Well first week of frag weapon release i made to superior VII without spend any cash and have about 3000 dragon crystals.
    I buy those dragon crystals before R2 release frag weapon and I play a year of CS those day i save shining coupon so i can max up the frag weapon.
    tbh i only spend 60 ish dollar for the VIP.

    announcement? That thing you are saying is reply. Announcement should be show on top of forum like they do maint. each week.

    secret? Just tank it that all i do

    I only take out 60 ish dollar from my pocket to R2.

    that ranger i will ask him when he on.
    Last edited by Shaoren; 12-24-2012, 04:23 PM.
    Renfa that all...
    I am non-cash player


    • #17
      maybe u should simply not try to solo this dungeon with such a weak rogue and actually go in a party for once >.>
      Server:Eternal Sanctum
      IGN: (s57)Sin
      Guild: Brigade Officer
      Lv:98+ Scion

      Feed me virgins!


      • #18
        What bothers me the most about people saying that this dungeon is giving us a challenge, and that we're all required to go in there as a party to kill one boss is one very specific thing... Coming into this conversation as a primarily support-hybrid priest, I can offer you this perspective.

        Our skill, Goddess' Embrace, is one of the most essential skills available in a priest's arsenal. To render this skill null and void in areas of dungeons, ladder, etc. is, to put it plainly, a sick and cruel joke. This is the kind of issue that needs to be rectified immediately. Not "soon" not "in the nearest possible future" but RIGHT NOW.

        If I'm performing my intended job correctly, I need to be able to protect my party from status ailments, and keep their health in check. I've tried to stand as far away from the boss as I possibly can (I partied up with one of my merged servers' most powerful rogues) but even if I didn't get hit with the debuff, he did and there was nothing I could do about it, short of calling my pet to stun the boss, lay down curses, heal him, and hope he would survive for 8 seconds. Which, surprise surprise, he couldn't. He could not do anything. This should not happen. My GE lasts 10 seconds and should purge the damn debuffs.



        • #19
          One question, the reduce HP debuff from dragon is removeable but other are not removeable so is it on purpose? If the debuff skills are messed up should all be messed up? Why there only few specific skills messed up? Is it a bug or not?
          monster is monster and player is player. We know monster have special treatment
          Renfa that all...
          I am non-cash player


          • #20
            Originally posted by singilbert View Post
            maybe u should simply not try to solo this dungeon with such a weak rogue and actually go in a party for once >.>
            I can solo the dungeon. It takes some time but I'm pretty sure that most people can't solo it. And stop bringing your hate in this thread, just because I think that you misbuild your rogue, has nothing to do with this thread.
            Still, most people can't solo it. And it for sure is bugged.

            Also I easily solo the Bishop and the Dragon, going with other people will just split the loot.

            And that class skills like GE or Thoughness don't work is a huge nerf in the priest and rogue class.
            Last edited by sebastian1988; 12-26-2012, 02:46 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by singilbert View Post
              maybe u should simply not try to solo this dungeon with such a weak rogue and actually go in a party for once >.>
              Ahah, good one. I'd like to see a 1v1 between you and him, but your $$$ won't buy his skills, so i know you would lose anyway.


              • #22
                However, this topic isn't about rogues.
                It's about purgatory and going in as a party is not benefitial unless you can't solo any boss.

                Most people I know can kill the first 2 bosses, so they do get the shards (only a few tho).
                I just recommend to adjust the bosses so that more people can do the dungeon or do adjust the drops. The dungeon is currently not worth the effort.


                • #23
                  You're a rogue.. get devoid, problem solved. lol..


                  • #24
                    okay, so recently I've been playing this game on and off and I'm stopped hardcore lvling about 3 months ago, due to that, I am only lvl 92, never been in this dungeon, but from the sounds of purge skills being useless, I don't think I even want to lvl up to do that dungeon. Nerf a priest's GE. Oh and pity people say priests are a useless class that is only good for supporting, now will people be saying that priests are a useless class thatt can't support either? I know how much I rely on GE to purge all negative effects I don't like, this does not sound inviting at all. I am a priest and I expect to be able to help people with my skill, don't render priests useless even for supporting, we are already useless in PvP, ok, good nerf us more.

                    I really don't see what this thread has to do with rogues.
                    If I post something really weird that makes no sense whatsoever it means I'm not mentally there at the time I post it (probably sleep deprived)

                    Character: (S31)Kiesha
                    Server: Tree of Life
                    Plane: Eidolon
                    Class: Hybrid Priest
                    Guild: Harmless


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
                      However, this topic isn't about rogues.
                      It's about purgatory and going in as a party is not benefitial unless you can't solo any boss.

                      Most people I know can kill the first 2 bosses, so they do get the shards (only a few tho).
                      I just recommend to adjust the bosses so that more people can do the dungeon or do adjust the drops. The dungeon is currently not worth the effort.
                      When lv 85 dungeon I have problem with warth in nightmare. Get more stonger then you will able to solo it
                      I don't agree to adjust the bosses.
                      Renfa that all...
                      I am non-cash player


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Shaoren View Post
                        When lv 85 dungeon I have problem with warth in nightmare. Get more stonger then you will able to solo it
                        I don't agree to adjust the bosses.
                        You dont have to agree, buddy. The bugs have to be fixed, simple as that.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
                          You dont have to agree, buddy. The bugs have to be fixed, simple as that.
                          If it is a bug then why GM still not fix it yet?
                          From my point of view, this is not a bug -_-||


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by R2387426 View Post
                            If it is a bug then why GM still not fix it yet?
                            From my point of view, this is not a bug -_-||
                            There are many bugs, but they won't fix them for 2 simple reasons:

                            1. They don't know how to fix them;
                            2. They don't feel like spend their time fixing a game which is slowly turning into a waste for R2.
                            [(S25)Giang] : what outside of this server doesnt' exist
                            Forever Love
                            (S30)Xanadu's husband
                            [VIP] Eidolon: (S30)Bereft Viceroy


                            • #29
                              I have a very strong archer with very high hp and even with a priest i don't manage to kill the top bosses. I manage to get about 25 epic shards from the 2 side bosses and I have been running NM purgatory daily for this shard. I am more concerned with the number of fails in trying to synth the epic gear than killing the top bosses. As an example in trying to make a ring i saved up 43 shards and had 2 fails day 1, 4 straight fails on day 2, skipped a day and following day had another 3 fails, on 4th day i finally had success on my ring. Ofc it wasn't OS, but i planned to make the orange gear and failed on that. It is enuf to make me want to quit after working every day to get the mats and then to have so many fails...... As of this very moment, I am down to 21 shard from my daily run and am to disgusted to even try again to make additional epic gear - and i havent even tried again to make orange gear cuz nobody seems to have ESD and if they do they not selling it... Maybe i should be more concerned with killing the top bosses since that would give me more epic shard and perhaps i would not be so discouraged with the number of fails and the time it takes to work so hard to get more shard...... I sure hope GMs take notice of the original post and do their best to remedy the problems here. I am a high casher and it is enuf to make me want to just stop playing since i have nothing more to look forward to and failing over and over does not motivate me to do more dungeon runs.

                              Wish I had siggy but level 120 Eidolon Archer 41Shots


                              • #30
                                .. He's not a weak rogue though...
                                Vampire Prince
                                • Server: Aurora Point
                                • Character: Alexmancerx
                                • Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
                                • Level: Eidolon 120
                                • Rank: Emperor
                                • Guild: TheWanted
                                • Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)

