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  • #46
    Ok people this is totally unfair!

    My friend was hacked last year, lost his slayer cap, and stacks of DC and normal gems to the hacker. And R2 did not even restore his stuff to him. They said they "cant" and so he lost motivation to play.

    This guy NPCs his items, was clearly careless and his fault and he keeps getting it back? ***? And he is defo NOT a major player in our server. My friend was even MORE major, and he even cashed and he had **** treatment.

    So, like the thread starter asks, why is (s21)Vamp88 so special?


    • #47
      Originally posted by TeddiBear View Post
      Im only one sided because many people have never got their frags back no matter how much they have upgraded on it and had to start over and I dont expect them to be all "gratz vamp for getting your frag back and i didn't..." Now whos side do you think they'll be on
      There have been other people who got their frags back. He's not the first. Does that make it fair? Still no, but wouldn't it be better for those players to file a new ticket, with the links regarding vamp's thread and how he got his back, and the ticket # of their lost weapon/items, and ask "why can he get his stuff back and not me?", and offer up some ideas about how to prevent this in the first place. Wouldn't that be more purposeful than some suggestionless thread where people end up divided over whether the rule should be extended to all, or if it should be strict and vamp should have his weapon taken back?
      LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

      LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



      • #48
        Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
        The first line you wrote once again proves my point that people reply without really reading.
        "There is already a confirmation are you sure you want to sell your item. "
        I acknowledged there was a confirmation box, which you so rightfully quoted, so why are you repeating something I already said?.
        I also pointed out (the part you didn't really read) that if you thought you were selling something else and had not realized AT ALL that you accidentally clicked on your frag, the confirmation box won't help you. If you honestly thought that, you'd click Yes. What WOULD be helpful was if it actually listed the name of the item in that confirmation box. Thank you for reading but not actually thinking about what I said for more than 2 seconds.
        Thanks you just proved you are a moron too and you really need glasses, like your nickname suggests (Squint-eyed?) or maybe an eye op.

        You really think R2 is so free and rich to re-code the whole thing which will cost tons of money, and we lack mallers here because they are treated badly and we have tons of free players like you and vamp who overload the server with tons of your alts, and do nothing but expect better treatment and keep complaining here and there? Give us a break man.

        You also showed you are short sighted (no wonder you are Squint), because you like to assume things again wrongly. Of course I am not dumb, I read it and I chose to reply that way because I could see how stupid your suggestions was not taking into account the costs. Then again, free players like you always think CS can run for free and staff work for free

        And if not the frag, then his insignia should be taken then. How nice he can keep doing this, and keep getting back we all cant even get 1 time back


        • #49
          lol my bro who accidentally NPC his +13 epic prstine aegis and never get it back by R2...but in this case Vamp88 got special treatment from R2...i dont know what the difference of vamp88 from others who did the same thing accidentally...i think name is the only difference between these players from special player Vamp88...they are also spent a lot of money and time like vamp88 did...but thats not the point, the point is you made the rules and you broke the rules for whom. We dont understand the reason why you guyz didnt apply to all players...R2 must be consistent and fair enough to all player because we are all in the same grounds your costumer and not just a junk of the game...


          • #50
            Originally posted by R2595820 View Post
            Ok people this is totally unfair!

            My friend was hacked last year, lost his slayer cap, and stacks of DC and normal gems to the hacker. And R2 did not even restore his stuff to him. They said they "cant" and so he lost motivation to play.

            This guy NPCs his items, was clearly careless and his fault and he keeps getting it back? ***? And he is defo NOT a major player in our server. My friend was even MORE major, and he even cashed and he had **** treatment.

            So, like the thread starter asks, why is (s21)Vamp88 so special?
            Most people who are "hacked" aren't really hacked. They fully give away their username/email and passwords to another person because they think they're trustworthy. That's beyond the realm of a simple click error when you think you're selling something else.
            LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

            LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



            • #51
              Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
              Most people who are "hacked" aren't really hacked. They fully give away their username/email and passwords to another person because they think they're trustworthy. That's beyond the realm of a simple click error when you think you're selling something else.
              Oic. and how would you know? are you the victim?
              Squint, i would love to see you get hacked 1 day, and then i'll rub it in your face too.
              I'll even open a forum thread for you and announce it to everyone while you sit crying somewhere how this happened.

              Dont act like you know everything. Some of them dont even have pilots ty


              • #52
                Originally posted by jeron214 View Post
                Thanks you just proved you are a moron too and you really need glasses, like your nickname suggests (Squint-eyed?) or maybe an eye op.

                You really think R2 is so free and rich to re-code the whole thing which will cost tons of money, and we lack mallers here because they are treated badly and we have tons of free players like you and vamp who overload the server with tons of your alts, and do nothing but expect better treatment and keep complaining here and there? Give us a break man.

                You also showed you are short sighted (no wonder you are Squint), because you like to assume things again wrongly. Of course I am not dumb, I read it and I chose to reply that way because I could see how stupid your suggestions was not taking into account the costs. Then again, free players like you always think CS can run for free and staff work for free

                And if not the frag, then his insignia should be taken then. How nice he can keep doing this, and keep getting back we all cant even get 1 time back
                1 - insulting someone isn't a way to get things resolved. It usually makes the other person look childish.
                2- I'm not a free player although I am in a cashing hiatus at the moment, I even wrote that. I do wish people wouldn't just assume I'm a free player just because I'm trying to have an intelligent and helpful discussion in the forums rather than one that's likely to end up censored (taken out) by the GMs.
                3- the old frags are unsellable so I don't think it'd be too hard to make the new ones sellable. Adding the ability to access an item code to something you're selling through confirmation box is also not that hard of an upgrade as it would only take going into the variable of the item you're selling and pulling out its name. Believe me, such a small thing would take maybe all of 15 mins to add (that's including debugging) with little cost.
                LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                • #53
                  Originally posted by R2595820 View Post
                  Oic. and how would you know? are you the victim?
                  Squint, i would love to see you get hacked 1 day, and then i'll rub it in your face too.

                  Dont act like you know everything. Some of them dont even have pilots ty
                  I'm just pointing out how is R2 supposed to know the person was really hacked and not just another one of those people who gave away information?
                  LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                  LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                  • #54
                    Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                    I'm just pointing out how is R2 supposed to know the person was really hacked and not just another one of those people who gave away information?
                    so in other words, if you got hacked and stuff deleted, i will tell r2 the same thing too. dont restore her, maybe she gave info away

                    and HOW would YOU KNOW Miss Know it all? You have a crystal ball to judge others?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by R2595820 View Post
                      so in other words, if you got hacked and stuff deleted, i will tell r2 the same thing too. dont restore her, maybe she gave info away

                      and HOW would YOU KNOW Miss Know it all? You have a crystal ball to judge others?
                      Did I say your friend was one of them? No. I just said that most people who get hacked give away information and it's difficult for R2 to know.

                      And if I got hacked and R2 didn't believe me, I wouldn't expect them to give my stuff back either. :/

                      And just like I told the person above, resorting to insults doesn't help.
                      LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                      LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                      • #56
                        So what? You already look annoying and childish to us. Acting like you know everything. And since you claim to know the cost etc, why dont you code it for them or source for them then and we'll compare the 15 mins you estimate and the cost to see if you are talking **** again? Empty talk is just air man.

                        So how about his insig then? you mentioned the frag only. Why no comment on the NPCed insig which he gets back but others cant? And it is still sellable if not wrong

                        Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                        1 - insulting someone isn't a way to get things resolved. It usually makes the other person look childish.
                        2- I'm not a free player although I am in a cashing hiatus at the moment, I even wrote that. I do wish people wouldn't just assume I'm a free player just because I'm trying to have an intelligent and helpful discussion in the forums rather than one that's likely to end up censored (taken out) by the GMs.
                        3- the old frags are unsellable so I don't think it'd be too hard to make the new ones sellable. Adding the ability to access an item code to something you're selling through confirmation box is also not that hard of an upgrade as it would only take going into the variable of the item you're selling and pulling out its name. Believe me, such a small thing would take maybe all of 15 mins to add (that's including debugging) with little cost.


                        • #57
                          from what you all have been saying it does seem unfair that this vamp guy gets it back when others do not... and squint makes good points about it all too but it does look bad that many people experience the same thing as the vamp person and the results werent the same and they have quit because of it


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                            Did I say your friend was one of them? No. I just said that most people who get hacked give away information and it's difficult for R2 to know.

                            And if I got hacked and R2 didn't believe me, I wouldn't expect them to give my stuff back either. :/

                            And just like I told the person above, resorting to insults doesn't help.
                            Did I insult you? No, I just pointed out I would give you a taste of your own medicine if this happens to you. And you implied my friend was one of them by commenting "most" people.

                            And why would it be difficult? There's a reason why log files are there


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Vicking View Post
                              So what your saying is that all those who lost something should flood R2 with tickets and hope they get one that has a heart ?
                              Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                              I guess so, if you really want it back that hard and if it's something worth flooding for. (a lvl 40 pet equip, for example, would not count. It's easy enough to get another one).
                              Originally posted by ashurada2003 View Post
                              you see the other thread. where vinnigirl posted

                              she lied for him guys

                              she said he spent a lot of MONEY but hes always telling all of us he is a FREE player and BUY VIP and CRYSTALS using GOLD. SO Vinnigirl, how much MONEY was really spent on his weapon?

                              And she even said he is a major player? like ***? so they basically distorted facts to con the mod into helping. And notice that they never informed it ISNT his first time. He obviously is running some autovend program or something ingame.

                              Look at how vinnigirl lies " Just know that when he walks, our server will die/ many people willl quit also." Maybe she is his alt? Actually more people will cheer if he quit because hes always rude to us, and loves to KS people at bosses.

                              Please do NOT spam ticket system.
                              You'll only get yourself in trouble that way.
                              If a Item is lost, due to things that are not entirely your fault, or any fault of your own. then sometimes yes they are restored and I've seen items and characters restored many times.
                              they don't restore items or characters that were lost due to account sharing, because people like to say they were hacked- no it was your own fault for giving out your info, either by going to a bad site and entering info or on a public library or coffee shop not properly logging out etc, or giving a friend your info and thus they give it to someone else. or they just plainly use it in a way you didn't expect.
                              or for things that have been around a while and you should obviously know that it is that way and its intentionally programmed that way.
                              This is a new item, obv still a few kinks with it. wasn't restored to its proper state fully.
                              I honestly don't care if a person is a casher or a non casher. all i see is someone who needed help in a situation that's not entirely their fault.
                              IF it happens to anyone else. make a thread. file a ticket. not gonna promise anything. each case is evaluated by R2 and they make the decision not me.each case having its own variables which help define the outcome which must be looked into by R2. but I'm willing to help with what I did again to assist gms(didn't even do much so not sure if that's even a contributing factor). this is a process that shouldn't be abused(filing tickets), know that you could possibly not get it back- or just the basic shell version of it. and trying to convince them you had one but never made one to get one wont be a good situation either.
                              want to feel special. post more to forums with actual issues that can be helped other then this as well, like bugs, suggestions, or in the general support or other sections of crystal saga forums and you'll get help from either members of the community and or Forum moderators, sometimes even GM's.
                              another thing it depends on is the players approach to the situation. raging the people your asking for help on probably wont fair well, the less and less patience you have the harder things will be. etc etc. try and be Kind &Assertive.
                              again. I'm not saying just be careless and expect everything to be returned 24/7+365 by deleting stuff then requesting the items back.or NPC'ing things.
                              I see a bunch of back and forth arguing. its going to stop, especially if you want my help- i don't work for R2, i just do this forum thing because I like helping people in my spare time. if anymore flame threads are brought up they will be closed
                              as this thread will now be closed. end of discussion~please be respectful of forum and tickets. Thank you and have a great day.
                              Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 03-12-2013, 12:48 AM.

