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People are SO ungrateful!

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  • People are SO ungrateful!

    As the title suggests I am amazed at how ungrateful the bulk of players are being. Storm has mentioned in almost every post complaining about the events as of late that R2 is seriously considering STOPPING weekly events and yet the whiners go right on whining. Be happy they do any events at all.

    The last MMO I played the development teamed failed BAD!!!!!! I mean to the point the game is barely holding on by the skin of it's teeth. They never had weekly events, never fell thru on dead lines, hell I don't even think they knew what a deadline was. They took FOREVER to post any new content/classes at all. Hardly ever communicated with it's players, and the word "soon" meant 6 months to year before they released something,

    SHM at how damn rude a lot of you are being. Yes I complained last week about the bunny suit exchange, but I like many others had bought it and trashed it when it expired, so it was frustrating. Yes I understand some of you have spent a lot of money on your pixelated toons, but man, that does not give you the right to be downright mean in what you are saying to the hard working devs.
    I would like to say thank you to R2 for actually communicating with your players and delivering us with nice content. Keep up the hard work

    Rant is done, feel free to attempt to troll me, I'll just have lots of luls at your expense.
    Last edited by Miroku; 08-31-2012, 12:02 AM. Reason: made it a little easier to read lol

    Server: Amethyst Forest
    Class:Eidolon Hybrid Priest
    Guild: Sanctuary
    Name: Miroku
    Husband: Codawg

  • #2
    R2, just let me say this.
    this is the first game i have played which has weekly events.
    and its amazing. keeps the game alot more alive.

    I have no idea why people are complaining so much, and why the expected more.
    Because for the events are great, yes im not getting alot strong, yes im also not getting super rich from it.
    but is that needed from an event ?

    events that can be abused by alts making people rich and powerfull are the ones that are bad.
    There have been a few, i had some profit from them which i dont mind either.

    But you guys are doing an amazing job and please keep doing so!


    • #3
      To be honest I find the suggestion of removing weekly events to be an idle threat.

      If this company wants to continue to operate then it DOES need to listen to it's players and take advice and criticism from it's players. If we are unhappy with some of the work they have done then we SHOULD say something about it.
      Should they remove weekly events, I won't complain. As long as a monthly or even holiday based events are packed full of goodies and things to do.
      Without players, the game is worthless to R2. While I won't complain I know a bulk majority will out of boredom, they need weekly events to keep players amused.
      However delivering weekly events does NOT mean they get to slack off on it and deliver us events that aren't worth our time. As I stated before if they want to stay in business then they need to listen to their players. This anniversary was the PERFECT TIME to go all out and basically hand us everything we could ever want, for a little bit of time and work of course.
      "To celebrate us making it to one year, we are going to show our appreciation to all of the players who made it possible." kinda ****.

      I honestly expected something big, like Second rebirth, 120 or even a lv 100 Boss to use our new Goddess buffs on.
      Meh, what R2 wants to do at the end of the day will decide whether they stay in business or not. Why listen to the players?


      • #4
        You have no idea when a good thing is sitting in front of you til it's gone. Go play Sacred Seasons 2 for say a month, bet you will come flying back to this game in a heartbeat. They do listen to their players and just because it's not loaded with OMG I CAN EXPLOIT THIS WITH MY BAZILLION ALTS events, doesn't mean the events fail. I agree with what Memory has stated in other posts. There is something here for everyone. Bothers you that much.....go find another game to play.

        Server: Amethyst Forest
        Class:Eidolon Hybrid Priest
        Guild: Sanctuary
        Name: Miroku
        Husband: Codawg


        • #5
          Originally posted by Miroku View Post
          You have no idea when a good thing is sitting in front of you til it's gone. Go play Sacred Seasons 2 for say a month, bet you will come flying back to this game in a heartbeat. They do listen to their players and just because it's not loaded with OMG I CAN EXPLOIT THIS WITH MY BAZILLION ALTS events, doesn't mean the events fail. I agree with what Memory has stated in other posts. There is something here for everyone. Bothers you that much.....go find another game to play.
          +1, nuff said.


          • #6
            Anniversary Alicorn Mount
            Fail: Ever so slightly better or weaker than Battle Bear depending on class.
            Crystal Saga Birthday Clothing Set
            Fail: Too many costumes as is. Great if you don't already have one.
            Crystal Saga Birthday Bear Pet
            Can't comment. Not seen stats. However I bet it's weak and useless in battle.
            It Pays to Consume: Anniversary Edition
            Fail: So many better spending events that this is actually STOPPING me from cashing because I choose to wait for a better promotion.

            A Timely Reward
            Free stuff! Yay! (See next event)
            Crystal Saga Anniversary Coupon Exchange Explained
            Fail: All but one is junk. Only Soul Shards are worth it IMO.
            More Coupons? How do I use these?!?
            See previous fail.
            Cake Time!
            Fail: Nothing particular good. Saves 11 Elixirs or Gain +50 Honor
            Party Time!
            Fail: Coupons near worthless. Buffs are mediocre at best.
            Cake Decorating Forum Event!
            Fail: $10 reward. For what would cost you more IRL. (Time is money)
            Evil Birthday Clown -
            Fail: 1 person wins loot for what is a party required boss.
            Party Animal!
            Fail: Ladder XP titles are better.[/LIST]


            • #7
              Originally posted by Miroku View Post
              You have no idea when a good thing is sitting in front of you til it's gone. Go play Sacred Seasons 2 for say a month, bet you will come flying back to this game in a heartbeat. They do listen to their players and just because it's not loaded with OMG I CAN EXPLOIT THIS WITH MY BAZILLION ALTS events, doesn't mean the events fail. I agree with what Memory has stated in other posts. There is something here for everyone. Bothers you that much.....go find another game to play.
              If you haven't noticed, the server populations have been dwindling pretty dramatically in recent months, so people are in fact going to find other games or hobbies to participate in. It really is in R2's best interest to try to retain the player base they have rather than make passive aggressive threats to stop doing weekly events because a large majority are unsatisfied. While the weekly events are appreciated - I'd be even more appreciative of NEW CONTENT - if this means that the events are more spaced out, so be it.

              I'm an almost level 100 scion and quite frankly, I'm bored when I try to play this game. The weekly events are essentially carbon copies of previous events (i.e. a farmville event is a farmville event is a farmville event), albeit with slightly different rewards, and it's been quite awhile since we truly had new content (I think the Crypts might be the last new thing implemented back in early July - I don't consider Lucky Guess to be new as we've had it quite a bit in the past).

              We're trying to help this game succeed over the long-run too, but if you all insist on putting your fingers in your ears, scolding us for being so unappreciative, and telling us to go play another game, don't be surprised when people act on it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Miroku View Post
                As the title suggests I am amazed at how ungrateful the bulk of players are being. Storm has mentioned in almost every post complaining about the events as of late that R2 is seriously considering STOPPING weekly events and yet the whiners go right on whining. Be happy they do any events at all.

                The last MMO I played the development teamed failed BAD!!!!!! I mean to the point the game is barely holding on by the skin of it's teeth. They never had weekly events, never fell thru on dead lines, hell I don't even think they knew what a deadline was. They took FOREVER to post any new content/classes at all. Hardly ever communicated with it's players, and the word "soon" meant 6 months to year before they released something,

                SHM at how damn rude a lot of you are being. Yes I complained last week about the bunny suit exchange, but I like many others had bought it and trashed it when it expired, so it was frustrating. Yes I understand some of you have spent a lot of money on your pixelated toons, but man, that does not give you the right to be downright mean in what you are saying to the hard working devs.
                I would like to say thank you to R2 for actually communicating with your players and delivering us with nice content. Keep up the hard work

                Rant is done, feel free to attempt to troll me, I'll just have lots of luls at your expense.
                trashed mine also but i like the soul shards as the event and the mounts but i wish you could get the mounts and costunes without cashing


                • #9
                  Originally posted by shikaibyakuga View Post
                  trashed mine also but i like the soul shards as the event and the mounts but i wish you could get the mounts and costunes without cashing
                  well.. thats how the world works (for most of us anyway)
                  i wish i could get money without working..


                  • #10
                    I've got to agree with Miroku about Sacred Seasons 2. The devs did a terrible job balancing what classes they did release, and a year after its release, only four new classes had been released, out of a promised twentysome. They devs never communicated with the players, and though they did have some events, they were pretty much all geared towards cashers. If I remember correctly, they even managed to release a Christmas event late. Even after the game was out of closed beta, there were still huge issues with red screens of death, crashing, etc.

                    I get that people are upset about the events being 'crappy.' So what? Be glad we have them at all, stop whining, and move on.


                    • #11
                      There shall always be somebody who will complain about it.
                      I've never seen an event where everybody went "WHOOT I love this event 100%". Sad truth really, but we're all different people, and we all have the right to say our opinions. Although harsh language is still not allowed hurr.

                      And about the events, yes the GMUTs and Ewings exchange, you've all been desperate for an event as such.
                      But usually they pop up these events once in a while. Too many exciting events in one sitting isn't really much fun when after that boring events will come. But they DO listen to player suggestions, you guys once wanted an MC event, well we got a permanent one.

                      And hey this anniversary event provided a lot of things for non-crystal users. I've never rode a Seiryu before

                      ...but actually does something like stalk every word you post

                      This moderator is unreliable, I'm serious


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ducttape72 View Post
                        So what? Be glad we have them at all, stop whining, and move on.
                        Every business NEEDS complaints. Complaints are what helps the business improve. As the saying goes, for every 1 complaint there are 10 that aren't heard, so if 50 players are complaining on forums, then there are 500 in-game that aren't saying anything. Because it's pointless or they don't use forums or whatever reason.

                        Still hope they stop the weekly events, kill the game, Give out loads of GMUTs/SS/Eth Wings/ESD/Therions etc to get all the players back ^^


                        • #13
                          actually there is no need for GMUT event, lots of new ppl been creating alt to get the GMUT reward n I've been buying from them.

                          tot this will help the new ppl get stronger faster.


                          • #14
                            what's with this shut up and be eternally grateful that you got anything at all? they themselves set the bar pretty high with for example clover event so this anniversary feels like we are getting scraps. omg I just thought of something,did anyone from R2 team answered yet? if not ,what if they were kidnapped and this ridiculous event is a disguised cry for help?
                            Last edited by R2476675; 08-31-2012, 12:17 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by R2476675 View Post
                              what's with this shut up and be eternally grateful that you got anything at all? they themselves set the bar pretty high with for example clover event so this anniversary feels like we are getting scraps
                              why is there a need to trump the previous events ?
                              not all events have to be as awesome as the rest.

                              Yes, they did not bring out their big guns for their anniversary, so what ? u can expect these on some different time then.

