I think i can speak for all rogues when i say that we need a new skill. Every class has an aoe skill that doesnt require aiming a line and hoping for the best,except for us. When you consider what the rogue class is (assassin, ninja, whatever) in all adaptations of that style of character you will find that each of them (whether in cartoon or video game) have a couple different "aoe" skills. When you think ofwhat a true ninja or assassin is truly capable of, you would EXPECT that they have at least one aoe skill that doesnt require direct aim. (Sorry, Blade Sweep doesn't count because its limited to the shadow side)
So my suggestion is to swap out the skill "Shadow Slap" with some kind of mid-ranged attack that does decent damage. Why? The answer is quite simply because it only makes sense that a ninja or assassin could throw a bloody shuriken among several other types of weapons, for starters. The shadow rogue skills have been bugged since the beginning of time and not been fixed. That may be the developers way of helping all the players who whine about the rogue class to have an advantage, i can't say for sure but sometimes it feels like it. Bottom line is, theres 3 ranged classes vs 2 melee classes and its pretty unfair for rogues (except the occasional few) to have to put up with these players that we cant even get close to without being obliterated in pvp, and in pve we have, for example, avernal realm where knights cant hook, mage ranger and priest are ranged... leaving rogues high and dry with nothing when bane is on the portal.
Rogues need a mid-range, decent power attack, with a short cooldown. I look forward to your feedback; unless you're going to be rude and inconsiderate. if you have nothing polite to say, avoid my thread. i'm looking for constructive feedback, not destructive. Thanks
So my suggestion is to swap out the skill "Shadow Slap" with some kind of mid-ranged attack that does decent damage. Why? The answer is quite simply because it only makes sense that a ninja or assassin could throw a bloody shuriken among several other types of weapons, for starters. The shadow rogue skills have been bugged since the beginning of time and not been fixed. That may be the developers way of helping all the players who whine about the rogue class to have an advantage, i can't say for sure but sometimes it feels like it. Bottom line is, theres 3 ranged classes vs 2 melee classes and its pretty unfair for rogues (except the occasional few) to have to put up with these players that we cant even get close to without being obliterated in pvp, and in pve we have, for example, avernal realm where knights cant hook, mage ranger and priest are ranged... leaving rogues high and dry with nothing when bane is on the portal.
Rogues need a mid-range, decent power attack, with a short cooldown. I look forward to your feedback; unless you're going to be rude and inconsiderate. if you have nothing polite to say, avoid my thread. i'm looking for constructive feedback, not destructive. Thanks
