I have same problem
IGN: Lupa
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Zodiac 1--click blitz bug/ Database Error
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same is happening to me lol,
IGN: Snow Dragon
Server: S128 Knight's Honor
need to do loops and zodiac
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Please help with zodiac data base error, thanks
S21 - Pandemonium / UA3
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Please help with zodiac data base error, thanks
S21 - Pandemonium / UA3
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SO ich habe das gleiche Problem seid nun schon vier Tagen, über den Support passiert ja mal gar nichts wie schlecht.
Server: S71
Name : Leonie
passiert jetzt hier mal was ???Last edited by R256396905; 12-13-2014, 02:04 AM.
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2 days database error now gm, why u always offline ??
Server:215 The Four Cities
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3 days database error in zodiac blitz..
IGN: bonakit
server: s23 eclipse tavern
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hey GM check my database please i can't finish loops and take my rewards omg
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Sent ticket, and this problem has hindered me from playing too...
IGN : Octavius
Server: 225 Shadow Downs
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I have a data base error which making me unable to do attacks in Guild boss and Litle Helper is not working And i cant do loop quests because its stuck, also have tried to cancel blitz but nothing happens, And also have loading problems, A lot of times it happens that i cant open guild or open Shop or there is nothing to see in hot events, And also problems whit collecting stuff, the dont collect or reacting verry slow, and it happens that when i try to open something like yesterday i had moments that i tried to open djinni;s and the whole game froze. All of this is going on the whole tycoon event period, and now still have those problems, and it is irritating a lot to have to refresh 50 times a day and even that wont help a lot of times.! And yes my internet connection is good so the problem is really in the game and i Hope That You Can Fix It Verry Soon.
ING: Zeeuwdude
Server: [S155]lo's Exhoration
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