A tradition stemming back through the ages, fireside legends are an intriguing and exciting way for warriors of old to pass down history, folklore, and all the tales of old. Now, it’s your turn. So come one, come all and weave a tale of power, fate, magic and mystery and all the in-betweens!
Duration: 8/1 - 8/6
Description: Let’s weave a tale together! We’ll kick-off the adventure with a simple intro sentence (see below), and all of you will continue making a legendary story. Use whatever story post that was writing prior to your own to keep the story flowing from person to person for as long as we possibly can.
As always, there must be rules.
• You must keep to the theme of the story; any non-story related/inappropriate posts will be removed.
• Posts must contain at least 7 words to count.
• Every qualifying post will receive a participation reward. (Make sure your IGN and Server are included in your post!)
• There will be no flaming of other’s posts.
• Each character can only be rewarded once.
Participation Rewards
• Synth Scroll x100
• Basic Energy Card (10) x2
Introductory Sentence
The firelight within Black Rose Tavern cheerfully danced across the beaten walls. Suddenly, a gust of chilled air swept through the room as the tavern’s door was flung open and in stumbled a bedraggled and frenzied mage…