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The Big "Seperate BG by BR or 5 Levels" Thread.

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  • Kingdeadpool
    Too true. Power gap is immense here.

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  • Ep!cFa!l
    Originally posted by zirc00 View Post
    It has nothing to do with being new or not. There is a clear tradeoff to leveling quickly for overall strength (access to higher dungeons, more astral slots, more skill points, etc., higher academy) and leveling slowly for PvP strength. That is the way the game is designed.

    You have chosen the former and are now whinging about not having the latter, therefore you would like the game to change to suit you.

    You're not the first person to make this complaint and you won't be the last. Responding to each and every person rebutting your argument doesn't make it carry any more weight.

    It's not unbalanced. You just don't like the way in which it's balanced because it doesn't favour the way you've built your toon
    I am a slow leveler, I was one of the top mages on my server. I did not push ahead as you think. I was gone for 8 months. level 70 gear was new when I left and so were legendaries. So what happened is I missed out on alot of event rewards and new content. So no I'm not just someone who rushed his level.

    Now if I slow leveled to this point just like everyone else and am this far behind. How are the player who start today ever going to catch up? How long will it take someone today to even catch up to me? yet this time next year they will likely be in your current BG if they havent added a bracket., just with a few dozen k soal stone deficit, not to mention whips, fate stones, rune levels, cloths, astrals and more?

    Your going to tell me thats fair? Everyones claim of slow leveling will let them catch me is total **.

    @ Baratayoda, your still saying dont switch to one system because people can cheat here use this cheat instead. For alot of people that play these games PVP is their whole reason. If they cant earn it what makes you think they can keep it?

    The Pinical of any PVP is army vs army. BG is their primeir PVP in this game. Not everyone can participate in a guild battle, arena is mainly for the insignias and not much more entertaining than World boss. BG allows you to HUNT someone. Unlike most PVP games (Like FPS or Guild battle) You dont have anyone thats going to have our back once the battle starts, you ingage on 1vs1. How many PVP based gammers have quit this game because once they reach the final bracket. They have reached their peak. Unless everyone ahead of them steps out for a while. they will never get a kill and only gain their next medal by sitting in base till BG ends and hop their team one so they are that little bit closer to the next medal. God forbid they engage anyone because that could mean half their gains for that BG. Not like they can take them anyway.

    Is this what you mean by its totally fair and lucrative? maintaining the supremicy of 1 player at the cost of dozens who will eventually quit when they realise they wont ever get a chance in BG?
    Last edited by Ep!cFa!l; 02-06-2014, 04:19 AM.

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  • zirc00
    It has nothing to do with being new or not. There is a clear tradeoff to leveling quickly for overall strength (access to higher dungeons, more astral slots, more skill points, etc., higher academy) and leveling slowly for PvP strength. That is the way the game is designed.

    You have chosen the former and are now whinging about not having the latter, therefore you would like the game to change to suit you.

    You're not the first person to make this complaint and you won't be the last. Responding to each and every person rebutting your argument doesn't make it carry any more weight.

    It's not unbalanced. You just don't like the way in which it's balanced because it doesn't favour the way you've built your toon

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  • R231019162
    bg by br i thought it was by level

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  • BarataYuda
    Call it an abuse if you want, but having lv9 VIP friend helping you with honor gain is a common practice on every server. From what I've read so far, it seems alot of work
    is needed just to change BG the way you want it. Just remember, BG is only one aspect of the game.

    Do you honestly think the dev is going to trouble them selves with this? This is a lucrative bussiness for them. If it ain't broken, why fix it? They wont risk it.
    Go contact the dev directly and maybe, just maybe they'll listen to you.

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  • R214205514
    Do u know what this game forcus u fast lv more fast lv more weak you are so you will need spend more more more money on this game for keep its up,if u dont want spend money slowing lv is good way to play this game
    Remember this game come from china if you have any suggestions come to 7Road forum,no 1 from devs team care any **** here they dont even read forum

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  • Ep!cFa!l
    @ Ball0n and Adom
    "What br would 1 extra starting rage be worth?"
    say 100 per. I never claimed to have an exact answer. I was hoping to get a few answers to get a feel for what people thought might have been fair before giving my opinion which matters little since I'm just going to be attacked for stating it, it would give the deves some figures to consider.
    "How do go you around to calculating the BR a % damage reduction applies, as the value of that reduction increases with br, but doesn't exactly scale with it."
    why not base it on say inignia cost, 1 option, or if its from astrals by astral exp?
    "How much br is the +x rage per action worth?"
    From the pve sets? They already have a br rating thats fair.

    How would adding BR to attempt to balance a BR system in BG unbalance ANYTHING ELSE? I am ONE MAN working on a BASIC CONCEPT that a TEAM OF DEV's can use as a BASIS for the conscept. Hoping someone might have ideas to add. I am under no delution that if they changed, it would be exactly how I want it.

    How does this answer my point about when I was OP'ed and thought killing newbs in 1 hit was unfair.

    @ Barata
    So your answer is to abuse the system, when everyones crying not to change because they can abuse it, slow my friends progress putting them behind the growth of others by taking their time and money to help me? I'm selfish but not greedy. I'm not a politician

    read it again, I'm stating its not fair to new players. What your post is telling me is, "If this guy pulls this off I might have to go into fair fights and actually earn my medal against people who can fight back, shut him up!"
    Last edited by Ep!cFa!l; 02-04-2014, 10:13 PM.

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  • zirc00
    Here is a summary for anyone that doesn't want to read the whole thread:

    There is a guy who is 42k and level 70 *****ing that BG is too hard.

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  • BarataYuda
    You know, all these very long discusions/arguments are pointless (mod/G.M never ever gonna read them...too long)

    If you really need much honor from BG (this thread is about BG), then do what I do. Get your lvl 9 VIP friends to help you out, farm honor from them. However this cant be done innew servers, but hey who knows....there're few crazy cahsers out there

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  • WarMC
    I think OP needs to learn on how to fix himself.

    Whiner mentality is I am losing let's protest to change environment to suit me.

    Winner mentality is I am losing let's see how I can change myself to win.

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  • ball0n
    Originally posted by Ep!cFa!l View Post
    Which is why I called for those BR modifications menntioned throu out the whole thread. Those troops would cost more br the non stat astrals the high rune levels. etc
    Its already explained
    Originally posted by Atomslaya View Post
    Lets even say your idea to add all that br is a good one, how would you determine the br some of these buffs apply?
    • What br would 1 extra starting rage be worth?
    • How do go you around to calculating the BR a % damage reduction applies, as the value of that reduction increases with br, but doesn't exactly scale with it.
    • How much br is the +x rage per action worth?

    Just saying add a little br to stuff is very easy of you. Actually thinking it out to not unbalance the game completely the way you want it is an entirely different matter. And you would risk unbalancing the entire game purely for testing a new bg system that will probably prove to be worse than what it is now.
    If you really want this, then i do suggest you do what bakuryuuha said and try to find a way to contact 7road, the actual developer, yourself. Because your suggestion would require a major revamp. Especially with the additions that are still coming here and are already on chinese servers. More stuff that makes you stronger and doesn't add any br.

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  • Ep!cFa!l
    Which is why I called for those BR modifications menntioned throu out the whole thread. Those troops would cost more br the non stat astrals the high rune levels. etc
    Last edited by Ep!cFa!l; 02-04-2014, 11:03 AM.

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  • MaccteN001
    Originally posted by R214205514 View Post
    The only way for "fixing" bg as u wish its make is like tank every 1 have same tank same skill same lv same stat lol,oh wait so what the point for spend $$$$ for this game ?? its will never happen so deal with this and do not doing bg until u are strong enough

    Look this pic and tell me who can kill her at lv 30-39 ?

    LMAO I love this, I think this is the funniest reply and demo/screenshot here. Yeah with HS so high and level 65 templar troops and sylph, who can kill that in 30-39 bg (or as according to the OP, around 20k br below which is usually level 30s anyway) without HS, sylph and level 39 max gryphon troops. Just throw in HS then afk, let the templar do the damage while they also tank you.
    Last edited by MaccteN001; 02-04-2014, 09:44 AM.

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  • Ep!cFa!l
    Originally posted by MolochMage View Post
    Alright, EF, let me allow myself to explain.

    I was being gracious in the first post I made in this thread by offering an alternative solution in the form of an "ELO" rating (as in Chess, you gain various amounts of points by winning and losing depending on your opponent's point total.) This would've been something you could've stuck with and it wouldn't have been quite so easy to shoot holes in.

    Problem is even this rating would only benefit the hard cashers and fast levellers. Seeing that this is so it kind of surprises me that Wartune hasn't done anything like that already.

    You can't base matching by Battle Rating if you have to change the system for calculating Battle Rating so much that it will look nothing like it is today. I can think of no way to come up with a reasonable formula that takes all things into account. Can you?

    You'd have to consider -

    Troop count, attack, defense, hp, level.
    Player level (lower level has an automatic damage penalty.)
    Starting rage and rage per action.
    Rune types and rune levels.
    Actual crit and block chances as opposed to the static numbers.
    Damage boosts and damage reductions caused by various astrals and medals.
    Talent levels.
    Class specific passive boosts.
    Sylph types, qualities, levels, battle ratings and skills.

    All this and you still need to consider the raw MATK, PATK, PDEF, MDEF, HP etc of the player.

    And I'm not even close to scatching the surface here.
    Troop count is messured by tech and chrarisma so br there is already done Adding br to troops level would be simple as they are cardboard copies of anyones troop. Mounts and slyphs give br by level and they are farm more complicated, why not troops? link it to the duru cost of enlightenment and level. now simply work out a forumula something like "Total BR of equipped troop= (total spent duru in enlightenment + Level) / Base # of duru for 1 BR point (Say 10k I dont know) The hardest part is the formula everything after that is just getting the code right. There is not actually as much work as your making it out to be. Time consuming and monotonous yes. Far from as arduous as people make it sound. Modifying something is far easier than writing everthing from scratch which you all seem to think this is. adding 1 stat to some items, locking out some menus and changing the requirements to enter a br. thats it. nothing else in BG gets changed. (Unless you also add my respawning gate guardians or just moving the drop off guy into the base to safly dump carts instead of fighting the campers with a 50% speed debuff. Totally optional)
    Why do low levels suffer a further penalty in damage? Having lower stats is no handycap enough? OMG a spider... forget the spray can get the 9 gauge
    Starting rage and RPA, most items that do this except cloths have fair BR why would you cry that your BR is raised because of your cloths?
    Rune type should matter little really, level should get a BR though. With all the work for it why wont you accept acknowledgement for your level of equiped rune?
    It would be nice if you could mouse over the numbers and see a %. Crit and block are already BR'ed though and so far as I can tell fairly.
    Non stat based astrals would need BR and I think astrals should get more BR based on level, just like techs.
    Do I need to go into talents after astrals and runes?
    Class passives. The classes are fair. I havent seen an argument about this at all from anyone anywhere. I didnt look specificly but dont remember it ever coming up anywhere I read.
    Yep slyphs needs a number of thing but alot that you mentioned is done already your BR goes up after points spent from leveling are used. Never checked if BR is affected by quality.

    Your the one that posted the example I used to show BR even as it sits now with your abusive unequiped player. is still a fair match... Statistically. Your player stats were way higher but your raw combat stats were close to par with me, with a majority advantage to you, which I feel is fair since you are paying cash for advantages. and had I think 2600 br advantage...

    From what I'm hearing... BR CANNOT show a players actual power since not everything is rated. So why do we rank everybody and everything by br EXCEPT bg?
    Seriously think about it would you let me into a NM lych with you?
    I qualify to be with you since I am the right level...But you wont, Why?
    Because I dont stand a chance?
    Fine how about we do arena?
    What now?
    You dont want a have a parisite on your team?
    Its okay in bg though,
    than how about Spire, guild battle?
    Oh your going to take him or her over me for last spot because they have more br?

    Yeah you might not care about taking a lower player into a spire or arina, if the others backing you can handle it. Might even take him to GW is theres a space and your teams got the advantage already. You might even be sadistic enough to take me to a level 70 run if you already used your attempt. Generally though you want things to go smooth. You dont want to put yourself at risk. Hell I would help under those circomestances. I'm a selfish altruist. I'll give a stranger the shirt off my back, so long as it doesnt put me in any detriment to do so. Its how people should be. Right now I'm giving my shirt to the newbs since I have nothing to lose. Most people attacking this thread can say that. Cash player or not.

    I dont care about the cash bonuses. you deserve them if your buying them. You also deserve the BR on alot of stuff you dont, even if BG never goes BR.

    I do grant you one thing though. Your still better in this debate than adom. I dont feel I'm wasting my time with you. We may never see eye to eye but I'll respect you because your atleast providing examples of why you think I'm wrong, instead of trying to attack me directly. I mean attacking someone because they named themselve epicfail... I have the self esteam to keep using it and laughing at it. How does he figure I would be insulted by it? Its so school ground posturing.

    @Sylvannah: Ty for the kind words
    Last edited by Ep!cFa!l; 02-04-2014, 08:57 AM.

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  • Sylvannah
    Agreed with what u said , u just said what is going in the mind of everyone who hasnot paid hundreds of thousands here and still would want to enjoy the game not being a punching bag for the big spenders


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