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The "I want BG by BR!" thread [merged threads]

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  • R212396167
    Originally posted by Yesheron View Post
    Battlegrounds already has level brackets. Matching by Battle Rating has already been discussed and would lead to a disaster.
    How so? It would be a disaster if battlegrounds no longer had the possibility of going up against somebody with 5 times your BR?

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  • daunapu
    Originally posted by KS222 View Post
    That's pretty much the point I was making earlier. People will cash more to win vs someone close to them in BR (achievable goal) rather than cash to try to beat a whale they couldn't even scratch unless they refinance their house and dump it all into the game. BR brackets would be too easy to exploit and could also reduce cashing in some instances (it is better to be at the top of a bracket than at the bottom; you'd have people camping BR brackets like they camp level brackets). I'd suggest basing honor and points earned/lost on the relative BR of your opponent. If people get better rewards for beating people closer to their BRs, then you'd see more good fights and less flat out farming of lower BRs (the farming wouldn't go away completely, not with the grim reaper title and the fact some players don't like good fights and do go for easy wins).
    Uhm, no. 99% of the people cashing do it so they can roflstomp everyone else in bg/ga/cw, not to have "good" fight vs similar br. You can fight similar br on any lvl, with any br. If bg/any pvp is divided by br, why should anyone try to upgrade his toon with money or time or strategy, if he can get exactly the same quality of fights without doing it?!

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  • Spartae
    Originally posted by Yesheron View Post
    Battlegrounds already has level brackets. Matching by Battle Rating has already been discussed and would lead to a disaster.
    says the casher, wants easy kills to gloat

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  • KS222
    I'm not sure if its forgetfulness or indifference. When you look at all the bugs, glitches, and inequities in the game, it tells me they just don't care. They get tons of money from the game the way it is, no further effort required beyond adding more and more content to spend $ on and occasionally nerfing things that benefit the players too much.

    The bg honor gain/loss has not changed since the game first came out. The game has always been set up to reward us for going after easy kills. We get more honor from farming lower BRs than we do for having fewer fights but all of them good fights vs others near our BR. The game mechanic intended to help level the playing field falls far short now that BR disparities are so vast. Even with 100% dryads, many players are just out of reach.

    There are ways the devs could easily level the playing field, the question is how we can convince them it is profitable to do so. Perhaps add an option to blitz bg? Like stand in for world boss used to work, pay balen, get rewards (kills, honor, and bg/ft rewards), no attendance required. That might help cut down on the number of players farming lower BRs and the devs make money since you have to pay to blitz it. Not everyone can attend bg daily, so devs would make plenty of money just from that alone. If it keeps some of the cashers off the field the rest of the time, that would help out the non cashers. How about making double honor scroll effect stackable (pop 10 scrolls, max your honor with 1 kill, done for the day)? Or, as an item to help the lower BRs, double dryad scrolls and honor loss prevention scrolls (also stackable and able to increase max limit with dryads based on # of scrolls in use, can you imagine the havoc one could wreak with stacked double dryad scrolls =D). How about double kill scrolls? Pop one of those and increase your kill count; great for shooting for Grim Reaper! The devs could make bank selling all these useful items, they'd allow people to reach their goals faster, getting some of the big $ off the field, and they'd give the little guys a chance for revenge (getting bullied, pop a few double dryad scrolls and nail them with 600% dryads!).

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  • ATreeTopper
    7Road forgets the differences between the Chinese version and the rest of the planet version.

    Chinese has a market to unload those unbound items for balens, we don't.
    7Road thinks most players in the rest of the world can spend the Gross Domestic Product of some countries every few months, so they expect players to go for instant gratification thus buying everything in sight. They have little to no interest in changing BG/SFT matching or rewards, even if the majority of free players avoid it like the plague for all the reasons listed. If it works at home, they seem to reason, there is no reason why it does not apply to the rest of the planet.

    Perhaps someone should send them a copy of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" so they would understand a bit better that "honor" and "glory" is not based from various titles, but from the strength of the opponent defeated. Ts'ao Ts'ao ( or Cao Cao) and Liu Pei ( or Liu Bei) gained much honor from defeating the strongest warrior in the land in the form of Lu Bu, not from defeating minor enemies. Ditto for Cao Cao defeating Yuan Shu, who had a force roughly the same in size.

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  • KS222
    Originally posted by TotalChaos331 View Post
    But if people stop and think about it if they were to break it down somehow by BR it would help them make more money... Lets look at it like this if you are in BG with 400k BR and you find yourself losing to someone with a 420k BR you are more apt to spend to beat that person... Now same person goes into BG with 400k BR and gets smashed 5-10 times by someone with 650k BR they will look at it as a waste of time b.c making up that much ground is going to take a lot of time... Also when you look at the monster BRs in the game those are people who are here to be "THE BEST" making them fight one another on a regular basis would would urge them to spend more money to beat each other... And lets get real those monsters are cashing more in a mth than many cashers are spending in 6mths.
    That's pretty much the point I was making earlier. People will cash more to win vs someone close to them in BR (achievable goal) rather than cash to try to beat a whale they couldn't even scratch unless they refinance their house and dump it all into the game. BR brackets would be too easy to exploit and could also reduce cashing in some instances (it is better to be at the top of a bracket than at the bottom; you'd have people camping BR brackets like they camp level brackets). I'd suggest basing honor and points earned/lost on the relative BR of your opponent. If people get better rewards for beating people closer to their BRs, then you'd see more good fights and less flat out farming of lower BRs (the farming wouldn't go away completely, not with the grim reaper title and the fact some players don't like good fights and do go for easy wins).

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  • TotalChaos331
    But if people stop and think about it if they were to break it down somehow by BR it would help them make more money... Lets look at it like this if you are in BG with 400k BR and you find yourself losing to someone with a 420k BR you are more apt to spend to beat that person... Now same person goes into BG with 400k BR and gets smashed 5-10 times by someone with 650k BR they will look at it as a waste of time b.c making up that much ground is going to take a lot of time... Also when you look at the monster BRs in the game those are people who are here to be "THE BEST" making them fight one another on a regular basis would would urge them to spend more money to beat each other... And lets get real those monsters are cashing more in a mth than many cashers are spending in 6mths.

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  • daunapu
    Everyone plays this game to be strong and crush others, which makes butthurt egomanics to spend more. And you want BR brackets? Besides the obvious fact stated many times before that it can be manipulated, how do you see that fit in the game in general?

    "Fairness" has little to nothing in common with this game.

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  • rangelaeyes
    BR brackets wouldn't work. The sole purpose of mixing weaker players with stronger ones, like we have now, leads to more income for R2 and other providers. A weak player wants to be able to beat/compete/last longer then 2 turns against a strong player, so they spend, R2 is happy, and the player gets a feeling of accomplishment, at the cost of several hundred/thousand dollars.

    It's an intelligent ploy to make more money, and despite the community's complaints, it works.

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  • Renagus
    Originally posted by Yofireballer View Post
    To the developers, this game is amazing, great content and great add-ons/upgrades. Having said that, please, please do something about the inequality of play within Battleground (BG). The current system IS NOT WORKING. BG and Arena are the only two areas currently where players of all levels (and financing) can be in one place. The matching system in Arena helps equalize that environment (sort of, sometimes).

    Battleground is another story. High level players and/or players who have spent $$ are hijacking the gameplay and making it undesirable to partake in the event. They often "camp" at the opposing teams spawn point and/or deny access to the crystal field, the only real way to gain any personal achievement when playing against players with 30,000 (or more) difference in BattleRating (BR). I suggest some sort of algorithm filter to either a). limit the level of the players permitted to be on the same BG field (more fields would need to be created) or b). filter the players by BR with no more than a XXXXX difference in BR (7,500?) being grouped together. It's no fun when players with absolutely no gamesmanship decimate the lower ranked player. I understand Dryad's Blessing is intended to "level the field", but it doesn't even come close when the BR disparity is so large. Looking forward to a fix, soon!
    Battleground level brackets are useless and group level 80 with br of 100k with players having > 500k. It would be better to group players based on BR rather then on achievement levels.

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  • heuheuheu
    current BG matching that segregate by 10 levels is good.
    maybe you can add by server age to those level matching.
    something like 18 months ++, 12 to 18 months, 6-12 months and less than 6 months server.
    you will likely see 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 bg but isn't that what you want?

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  • KS222
    They could do that, but it's doesn't benefit R2/7Road to do so. Unfairness in PvP is part of what motivates players to spend (or just avoid it entirely).

    That is why I suggested a system that rewards you more for fighting people near your BR or higher BR than you. It fosters competition (and spending) by getting the monsters to fight each other and to pick on the "weaker" monsters. That is a change that could net R2/7Road more money and make bg/ft more fun for everyone (except those who just like running around getting easy wins, but there is nothing to stop them from continuing to act that way; they'd just get worse rewards).

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  • Yofireballer
    Not a bad suggestion KS222, I forgot you could still "load up" once you enter BG. Of course the simple solution to that might be, just like in Arena or MP Dungeons, when you click "ready" you can't change your load out. I'm sure the devs could grey out your inventory buttons once you hit ready (must do so to leave camp), then the BR is in play as the player enters the environment and can't be manipulated. In any case, something needs to be done.

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  • KS222
    BR segregation is too easy to manipulate. You'd just have monsters "game the system" by stripping to get into lower BR bg, then gear up and spawn camp. Also, keep in mind that BR is a rough measure, especially now that sylph BR is added to our own. I shred some people who, just by BR, should win easily (100k higher than me) and lose to some people who are lower BR than me, but happen to be stronger in the right places (or just have really high resistance to my element).

    What I would suggest to level the playing field is to adjust honor gain and loss by relative BR. That way, rather than rewarding higher BRs for farming easy kills, they'd get little from easy kills and would be rewarded more for fighting other monsters. In Fire Temple, where points and number of kills affect rewards, I'd suggest that the higher your opponent's BR is compared to yours, the more points you get as well. That way, people who win fewer fights, but all their fights are vs people near their BR or higher BR than them would get better rewards than a guy who sits there farming low BRs the whole time. This system would still have it's flaws as you'd see more people spam killing 1-2 players near their BR that they know they can beat (more bruised egos, more drama and raging in BG/FT). That might actually benefit R2 though; cashers bullying each other might cause those cashers to spend more to beat the "jerks" bullying them.

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  • Yofireballer
    Level brackets of up to 40 and then 41+?....not much of a bracket. Segregating by BR would be the most fair way to play it. Let those who think they are so hot go up against a truly good player. Segregating only by level is problematic because of the people who spend ungodly amounts of money to level up fast (Level 35 with a 75k BR for instance). The character Lavender is a prime example of this issue. If the person won't self regulate, the game must.

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