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[Announcement] Emergency Maintenance 12/16 @ 08:40 AM EST has ended!

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  • 2hrslol lol lol lol lol lol still waiting


    • Originally posted by R2_Emma View Post
      All Wartune servers are undergoing an emergency maintenance starting from Tuesday, the 16th of December at 08:40 AM EST. Maintenance is expected to take approximately 2 hours. We would like to apologize for this issue and appreciate player's patience while we address to fix the bugs. After maintenance is over, please check the hot events section for a compensation package including the following items:
      • 500,000 Gold
      • 500,000 Daru
      • Lvl. 2 Bonus EXP Scroll x1
      • Extreme Stamina Potion x1
      • Lvl. 1-5 Gem Pack x2
      • Sylph Sepulcrum x25
      • Mahra x25

      UPDATE - After this maintenance, the bugged Christmas Blessing event will be fixed. For those who have received the bugged items during the event, the extra amount of the bugged items will be removed and another package will be offered to you later as compensation.

      We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused for you. Please keep an eye on this thread for any update.
      Time is over why cant i play? certainly need good technitians who knows what they are doing.. HIRE qualified people to do the job.
      Last edited by khaldurg; 12-16-2014, 09:52 AM.


      • 4-6 hour downtime for maintance every week........... why? why does it take you so long to implement a program update that you should have already been testing for weeks before releasing it to the general public?
        with in 1 hour of comming back from that down time another 2 or more hours downtime............. why? why were these bugs NOT discovered before this patch was released to the general public? why were these issues NOT dealt with before releasing the patch to us?

        can you imagine if companies like GOOGLE, Microsoft, Sony etc..... had 4 hour downtime every week? can you imagine if their IT department was sooooo incompitent that they had to have another 2 hour downtime as soon as they got it back up and running?

        this is nothing more than total incompitence on the part of the programers and IT department at R2. by all rules of an IT department they are suppose to be testing everything before they release it to the public. by the time it gets released to the public there should be NO bugs and no need for another downtime right away. the amount of time it should take to implement these patches should be more like 1 hour NOT 4-6 hours. of course that would require them to implement them on a test server first. it would also require an IT department and programing depatrmant that actually knew what they were doing.

        am i surprised that there was a huge glitch in this or any other patch? NO...... r2 continually displays their incompitence and we like dummies continue to support them by dumping millions of dollars a year into this game.
        am i surprised that the bugs people are complaining about ( like not getting slyph arena rewards) get ignored while glitches like this get imediat attention? NO.......... R2 has only 1 objective and that is to make money. IF they are going to loose money they will fix the issue. IF the issue does not make them loose money then they will ignore it.
        am i surprised at the amount of lag in wartune? NO........... wartune is a flash based game. " flash player" ( all of them) are designed to watch movies NOT play games. the code is flawed, and there are HUGE memory leaks in the flash player. the more intense the graphics the more lag you will have, the longer you have the game open the more memory leaks you will have and the more lag you will have. i was glad when R2 made a mini client, until i realized that their version of a mini client is just another browser with out all the extensions and add ons that normal browsers come with. they need to look to real games like WoW, Guild Wars, GTA, Oblivion etc.... to learn how to make a proper mini client. that is NOT based on flash player.


        • Originally posted by Comet93 View Post
          probably cause he got 1k better ones
          LOL. No doubt..


          • Originally posted by BradyB View Post
            Why on earth would you sell your res gems? Are you maxed on res gems? -_-
            another noob who is too lazy to read the thread he posts in.


            • Originally posted by soorma View Post
              All i care is that i get 25 mahra for free .
              lol me too :P


              • Originally posted by spaustic View Post
                i also would like to report a bug as far as insignia yes it is nice that we dont have to worry about a spot in inventory for it . but i still have insignia in my inventory that wont use when i buy stuff in arena shop, and another suggestion how about putting a option in for selling slyph essence .when we collected it before we were able to sell it if want to now we cant
                You have to left click the old insignia, select "Use", and it's sent to your profile page where all the new insignia is kept. (It doesn't really use it--it's just put into the area where it can be used.)
                IGN: Swinella
                Class: Mage
                lvl: 80
                BR: 600k-ish+sylph+Useless kid
                Server: Kabam s79
                Completely free player. No VIP.


                • maintenace

                  meant to be 2hrs lol lol well still waiting


                  • cheapskate comp package considering many will be missing tank war and battleground and will soon be missing world boss if it isnt fixed. this game is seriously bad. since the last patch there have been so many issues the programmers are just useless. i skipped out on the last couple of events and will probably skip the next ones, can spend all day online and come out with a few 100000k gold bags and some gem packs that we cant use. it isnt really even worth while to log in every day anymore, just make an appearance so your guild doesnt think youre gone for good. very sad to see this game go downhill in so short of a time. 2 years and it is already being outclassed by many other games.


                    • Originally posted by MysteriousPiette View Post
                      Thank you BradyB! You have had the best, most reasonable reply so far. It IS just a game, and a free one at that (excluding the balens one can choose to purchase, or not). Nobody is going ot lose their house, car, electricity, gas, or any food they may need to survive because of maintenance; scheduled or emergency. Try and remember what's important in real life, and not get too overly focused or involved in computer games. Do I like this game? Yes! I am enjoying it greatly. Do I get frustrated when I know I need to get my gold mines, check in for the day, or pluck my farm and I can't because the server is down? Sure! But then I step back take a breath and remind myself. It is JUST a game. If all the servers were to crash tomorrow, and never come up again, would my life be ruined? No. In fact I might spend more time in real life, then behind a computer. I will keep playing and enjoying when I can, because that's what games are for: an entertainment break from real life.
                      Love this post however many players seem to think this is real life... Like if their character dies they themselves just might die! That is the problem with any online game though whether it be PC or a gaming console. Games are meant to be played in a persons free time as a form of leisure activity at least in my own personal opinion.


                      • I need my fix *twitch*........


                        • OK cupcakes.....its been 2 hours
                          Last edited by EsmeWeatherwax; 12-16-2014, 10:01 AM.


                          • yes i got the 1k res crystals after spending near $1000 if 1000 or at least 10 werent the reward i wouldnt have recharged at all


                            • Originally posted by R2_Emma View Post
                              UPDATE - After this maintenance, the bugged Christmas Blessing event will be fixed. For those who have received the bugged items during the event, the extra amount of the bugged items will be removed and another package will be offered to you later as compensation.
                              Seems like a fair solution. Only complaint I have is the 5 minute warning before shutting down the servers. It seems a lot of players were in mpd or DI or anything else that they lost attempt for at the time of shutdown. This could've largely been avoided by warnings 15 minutes ahead of time, even if it means having to keep the server up 10 minutes longer.


                              • Originally posted by maecenas84 View Post
                                Hi R2_Emma

                                You are obliged to refund all monies and balens spent on christmas blessings as 99.9% of these were done in the hope of gaining resistance crystals.

                                you cannot provide people with items, and then remove them. you cannot dangle carrots in front of people to manipulate them into spending, only to remove the reward later.

                                This is highly deceitful and manipulative behaviour.

                                Please refund all recharges for all players performed in the 2 hours between maintenance.
                                They can keep what it was intended to give witch is 1 not 1000, this would ruin the game if they were able to keep this many lvl 7 res crystals

