Good morning, if i have any problem or question, who can i contact to explain my problem?
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Forum Moderators Application Thread V2.0
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Originally posted by RAUL0314 View PostGood morning, if i have any problem or question, who can i contact to explain my problem?
Click the link for the list of Moderators of each game.
I had a wonderful one and a half years serving those Blood and Jade players who deserved it.. Arigatou/Thank you!
R2 Blood and Jade 9/11/2013 - 16/12/2015
HI I'm interested in becoming a Mod for Lunaria Story
My IGN is Akechii
can reach me in game or on Skype [snip] or at my email [snip]
Im 23 years old my time zone is Eastern Time Zone (-4 GMT) I've been playing Lunaria Story going on 3 years now i was first at Game DP before the servers shut down and i know a lot about Lunaria
im a very patient guy and i do love helping people just ask the people on the server i play (S105)and i know I'm not to active in the forums but ill change that
Last edited by Whakapono; 07-25-2015, 02:34 AM.
As i read all the comments made me realized I wanna be a moderator too...Well been playing shadowbound for 11mos now and I guess I know how the game works...Meet a lot of people so I know how to handle them with different situation.. and even im too busy with my studies i still have enough time to play sb like I said I fell in love with game...But its ok if I wont get hired at least I tried...Thank you...Btw, Im 23 of age <3Last edited by Margaux315; 07-24-2015, 08:20 AM.S29 Margaux
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I'm Aynz of s1 Nocturna's Tear. I'm at level 72. I'm 34 yrs old and I'm interested of being a mod so I can help also those players who needs assistance regarding the League of Angels game also or R2 games. I play a lot of online games actually so I'm kinda having a long time playing games. But in r2 I love LOA most,and this is the only game I ever played in R2. You guys can count on me since I am only almost 24/7. Love to hear from you guys
IGN: DarthAynz
Server: S1 Nocturna's Tear
Level: 72
Class: Paladin
Guild: Titans
I am Spartican of (S84) Scion sanctum in Crystal saga. I would absolutely love to be a moderator. Granted, i do not have many posts (1 iirc) nor am i currently active, but i would happily change this. I feel i have a very good understanding of Crystal saga and have played it since Server 1 on Kongregate was opened. I`m on all of the time and if i`m not, im generally lurking anyway.
I am 22 years of age and extremely patient and helpful in game (I`m usually told to shut up often because of my answers in world chat >_>)
Thank you for reading.
SparticanServer: (S2) KongregateIGN: SparticanClass: RangerLevel: 140Guild: BrokenSoul: 3000Tenets: Chaotic level 10Holy Favor: 30207Wings: Promethean Wings XVIPet: GAMount: Super Kyuubi
Hello I'm interested in becoming a Moderator for Wartune, im 19 years of age and have over 3 years of experience in Wartune.
Over the years I have helped countless players who still play the game to this day.
I am active on the game each and every day and so far I haven't been able to not answer a single question yet.
I also make youtube videos about Wartune from time to time and am considering to do livestreams to help as many people as I can each and every day.
Also I am not the most active on the forums but I reply to every PM and mail I get ingame and on the forum.
(I'm shy to post large threats)
My (Primary) character is on Wartune server EU S226 Shiver Howl, my IGN is : Raveniter〤
Guild : Styx
Level : 80Server : 226 (Shiver Howl) EU
Name : Raveniter〤
Class : Knight
BR : 980k ( 28 July 2015 )
Level : 80
Honor Rank : Imperial Mythic Dragon Earl
Making youtube videos at :
follow my Facebook at :
or follow me on Twitter :
I'm pretty sure i have posted a request here in regards to being a mod in the past, but since then a lot has happened, so I will make a new application....
Age:21(Turning 22 the day after this post)
Guides that I have posted:
Activeness: I may not post much on threads, but i am always looking to see the new posts that come by daily... And as of right now, I am able to be active almost 24/7
Patience: I have always found dealing with the problem of others easy to deal with (Though i have had some issues in the past). This is always the case however when it comes down to certain stubborn people... however, I would never lose my cool for the sake of making sure that people are satisfied with the help i have provided.
Game: Crystal Saga
Time Zone: EST
I think that i would make a good Mod, not because I'm self-absorbed, but due to my tendencies to want to help.... This quality is definitely one of the most sought of any mod or GM, and I think (though not the only quality indicative of a mod) it is certainly my best trait... I have no problems dealing with the day to day, and am outspoken in matters that encompass the game i play.
I appreciate the consideration (if any), and look forward to hearing back from you as to your decision.
And, as always, Have a good day!Game:Crystal Saga
Server:S58 Holorn Cliff
Level: 198-Eidolon
Class: Knight
Guild: (S6)Insidious
"Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution"
-Albert Einstein
Personal Informations:
Contact information(s)
FaceBook: share This facebook with my Fiancee)
Private message in forums
Forum informations etc:
Name: DarkCore24(Optional)
Activity:24/24 hours online
Moderator application board: Winterfrost Legacy Forums
I want to have nice teamwork with other R2 Staffers, this is my target when we're saying for serious job, Activity will be 24/24 even with different Timezone because of my Country(Greece)
Also my target is to keep winterfrost Legacy boards clean & supported by giving usefull answers to the players/forum members. I will be glad Mr Stormaggedon if i'll have feedback from you positive or negative.||||
Forum Moderators Application Thread V2.0
With the release of several new games in the last few weeks, we are now looking to recruit more Moderators for the forums to handle these news games, as well as our current games. If you are interested in being a Moderator, please post an application here. We'll go through the posting history of those who apply here to see if we think they'll make a suitable candidate. Things we will be looking for are:
A history of being active on the forums.
A track record of being helpful and respectful to other players in their posts.
Guides the applicant may have posted.
Patience, the ability to work with others and be understanding.
Be 18 years of age or older.
If you are interested, please respond below and include the game you play along with your time zone. Thank you!
Hi i would like to apply to become a Forum Moderator.
Mythborne s1, s8, s23, and s51
and my time zone is gmt dublin
I`am Proudly represent my COUNTRY PHILIPPINES and I`am Interested of Being MENTOR of the Game I been so long Player of r2games sense 2010 ive played Zombei ATe My Pizza until year 2014 and L ague of Angels . and then eventually i Playing the newest game Winter frost Legacy right now ..
Name: Kurt Chin
Age : 23
Status: single
Level : 57
Class : Warrior
Clan : PH*legendskurtchin