or have when you are a monthly VIP some of the benefits stack
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[Announcement] New VIP System – What would you like to see?
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having few VIP option with different price and better offer sounds good to me just like what DrakkinKing said.
having discount for mall items will be nice tooeven just 5% to 10%.
raising the coupons you get per hour will be very welcomedIGN : terrabyss
Server : Killer's Den
Class : (Nature) Ranger
Level : 64
Plane : Scion
Pet : Burning Angel Gen1 lv.87
Pixie : (4th form) Celestial Pixie lv.35
Personally, i only bought vip for the extra dungeon attempts, the exp bonus is nice and everything but the only thing i really think i benefit from is the dungeon runs. Maybe you could give Vip players a few super elixirs or something that provides a minor stat boost, in exchange for gold? i think it'd definately help having an npc that could vend me elixirs for an ingame cost (doesnt have to be ingame gold, maybe medals ect)
Server:NecropolisIGN: GetRekt Alpha server 3 (Stormthrone) Level 60 Rogue ^.^
Beta IGN:GetRekt hoping to roll priest ;D
the current vip system and is ok if u want to make it better maybe like says them add a 2 or 3x exp also maybe a quest daily to gain 100 honor easely it shoud be usefull cuz the current game system needs honor to improve the characters and i doont know if maybe we can get an npc like black market when we can buy some usually crystal items by gold. Other point 3 dragon coins is ok but maybe add a 1 red dragon coin daily and 1 black each week.
I would also like to add 4 coupons per ingame hours instead of two.. I would also like to add 5 bronze honor badge per day...
It is also nice to have 1 lucky star after you have succesfully forged wings, mounts or morphs.. That is very helpful for players..
IGN: TrickSter
SERVER: Erie Marsh
Originally posted by R21718009 View PostPersonally, i only bought vip for the extra dungeon attempts, the exp bonus is nice and everything but the only thing i really think i benefit from is the dungeon runs. Maybe you could give Vip players a few super elixirs or something that provides a minor stat boost, in exchange for gold? i think it'd definately help having an npc that could vend me elixirs for an ingame cost (doesnt have to be ingame gold, maybe medals ect)
ok i will make my suggestions about the new VIP system:
1.If we go to wishing well we can do 20x run,but the lucky coin use only be 5,if we do 10x run
2.the dungeon:can be us for 10 attempt
3.get more crystal (more than 800crystal in amonth)
4.can get discount if we buy above 800crystal,example:buy 1 tuxedo,the player of VIP will be get the discount if buy the other think again
ok that is about my suggestion,wish u use that
SERVER NAME:tinosia delta
#1 VIP should have less Lucky Coins Cost for Wishing well Everyday.
#2 Exclusive VIP room in SG like Sauna or something like that gives 5% exp for 30mins ( just for the AFKERS) to gain exp while out of AFK cards. and has limit like (2/2) depends on your decision.
#3 give more 10-20% more SuccessRate in UPGRADING STUFFS WINGS,MOUNTS,and Equips.
#4 increase the maximum quantity of potions or other items in inventory (250) make it (1000) for newbies that cant afford to buy Pack or Vault Expanders
#5 Free Soul Shards for VIPS or MORE SOUL SHARD EXCHANGE in Tree Of Life make it (10/10) or so
IGN: iClarise
Server : Southern Wetlands
Additional Daily of Vidalia Quest for VIP (10 make it +5 for VIPs)
1-3 torches Per Day so we can all do Torch Party
Green Dragon Coins Can be Traded to Red Coins (5-1) or red to Black (5-1)
Vips Should Have TeleportStones (permanent while inVIP status) (BOUND)
additional Seeds for Seeds of life quest for 50+ make it 2attempts per day
and 60+2attempts per day and 70++ 3attempts per day.
IGN: iClarise
Server: Southern Wetlands