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[Patch Notes] 8/30 (Crystal Saga Anniversary) Server Update

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  • First of all Happy Birthday to Crystal Saga!!! I think the events are ok atleast you can get SS from them which isnt exactly easy to obtain you cant buy them like gmuts and ewing


    • haha how pathetic if you look at some posts you'd notice that r2 staff are using their alts accs to support their events


      • Originally posted by GraviJa View Post
        haha how pathetic if you look at some posts you'd notice that r2 staff are using their alts accs to support their events
        Yea it does look that way


        • Happy Birthday to Crystal Saga.

          I was one of those people who when read all the details about this week's events and goes "OMG lame events. This sux." since I have my hopes up high for a GMUT or Ethereal Wings event (Those are the two things I really wanted). But looking at things carefully I guess I'm pretty much satisfied with soul shards that was offered in coupon exchange, since that was one of the stuff top in my wishlist.

          I suppose the purpose of these events is trying to make balance in the difference between the strong players and the weak players, or to put it simply encourage more people to stay in the game. My server is becoming dead when new servers come out, and the majority of players (that are just casual player so basically weak compared to the hardcore players) just abandons GR and Seng to avoid being killed. Most players are getting bored and resorting to mere insulting acts on world chat and hate between opposing guilds just grows... something that wasn't seen before when I was at a different server, or maybe that's just me. I tried to create more activities in guild to make my guildies to play, like killing gotor and guarding guild crops, those that need teamwork so everyone can participate. But mainly it's just too tiring to continue, especially when i cant stay online 24/7 every week.

          So with these week's event I can finally lay back and focus on upgrading my char while my guildies entertain themselves with the 2-hours mount and gears. The evil clowns are kinda of a good idea since you cant solo it but with more people you can kill it no matter what your level is. Though it would be better if the loot is more scattered, like instead of a stack of 10 coupons you have 10 coupons scattered around so everyone in party can at least get 1 or 2 of the coupons. And more of those boss will be cool. Yeah, I'm still disappointed there's no GMUT exchange event, since I've saved up a lot of gold and muts for it. But all in all, I learnt to benefit from this event even though it's little. Sorry R2Games you have to listen to this much ****, and thanks for your efforts to make weekly events. Totally understand how hard it is to come out with new events and to tolerate with complaints while no one gives you appreciation for your efforts.

          In any case, please don't let those complaints put you down in your efforts to come out with weekly events. Frankly it will be even more boring if there's no weekly event, only grinding and farming in dungeons whole day long isn't exactly entertaining... since i did everything solo >.<


          • no offence GM'S but the mount 2 hours really im disappointed in the time of the rewards


            • really GM the event keep getting worse then its crystal saga's birthday and it keeps getting expensive whats wrong with you wheres the morph crystal event


              • gmut, soul shard, ewing, morph xtal event.......enough said


                • Originally posted by thatoneguy View Post
                  gmut, soul shard, ewing, morph xtal event.......enough said
                  All those in one event would be an overkill, however those in separate events not right after each other would be nice..
                  Stalkers OP.

                  Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                  • yea im not saying all in one event but havin then one time a month every few months would be nice


                    • Originally posted by thatoneguy View Post
                      yea im not saying all in one event but havin then one time a month every few months would be nice
                      Totally agree, and I'd say that it's time for Ethereal Wing exchange since we've already had so many GMUT exchange events..
                      Stalkers OP.

                      Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                      • stop all that dam crying all yall noobs all ways crying bout events when we start getting them 1 time a month then what be thank ful you noobs


                        • Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                          Totally agree, and I'd say that it's time for Ethereal Wing exchange since we've already had so many GMUT exchange events..
                          ofc you want one of those since you already got your hellwing thx to those events now you dont care about the others...


                          • Originally posted by dizy07 View Post
                            ofc you want one of those since you already got your hellwing thx to those events now you dont care about the others...
                            Duh lets count how GMUT events there has been umm 3-5 You don't think that it'd be time for Ethereal Wing exchange already? =S And Btw. I only got my GT thanks to GMUT events, Gryphon & Hellwing I got by trading 200 wings to 20 GMUTs daily and that how getting an attempt per 2 days, I suggest trying that one before moaning.
                            Last edited by venomeh; 09-01-2012, 05:59 PM.
                            Stalkers OP.

                            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                            • -_- this is a crystal event!


                              • para saan po ba ang crystal saga coupon

