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[Annoucement] Multiple Server Merges Scheduled for Tuesday, September 18th
Originally posted by Desana View Post:P I don't mind meeting new people. I just hope that with the whole entire merge that we all can get along.. and Yep I'm S51 Aura.This game is my "Pamatay -Umay"
Originally posted by xluv2hateux View PostThings are crazy now but they will chill in a week maybe two... Gonna lose alot of players between now and then.. But the ones that are left will learn to coexistThis game is my "Pamatay -Umay"
Originally posted by xluv2hateux View PostSoooo everyone is upset I get that but R2 is not going to undo the merge so I suggest u guys come up with more creative things to complain about like... More Seng instances or a stronger crystal in sengthat's a good place to start... This game is meant to be tough it is not meant to be easy.. I understand some servers are behind but its no different than a random person starting to play this game on a server thats months old.. Everyone starts somewhere things are gonna be harder for you yea thats true but some will be easier.. I had to pay 1g per flippin MUT to get my BB way back when i was a noob now ppl can buy for 5s same goes for getting ur HoE and epic gears... I mean u gotta take the good and bad if u wanna be a quitter go do it quietly cause there will always be someone to take ur spot.. I suggest u all put ur big girl and boy panties on and get out there level make some new friends and get what u can when u can or quit the game its that easy all this BLOWING up of forums is not gonna help you one bit r2 rarely undoes anything they think is a right choice.. All this time spent on forums crying should be spent in-game leveling
.. I mean so obvious get bigger or get gone... <3 no hate just some good ol advice
S38/S34 <~~~ I use to hate the merge to but now Id be lost without my S34 homies
Oh and some of us REALLY wanted a merge ... id rather have all that scrolling in WC and have to get to know a whole bunch of new peeps then have to see the same sentence in WC for over a hour and a half because server is so flippin dead
I really hope R2 understand this merge idea was just too bad 6 servers is just too much, idk what they wanted to expect out of this, but i hope lag wasnt one of the objects cuz goin to L1 is so hard now, so much lag, and we're on a PvE server, i cant even imagine a PvP where ppl wanna grind, probably so many fights to get a grind spot :/
Edit:the lag was so bad this morning i couldnt enchant my slayer's set... so imagine how bad it is :/ now can't log back in lolLast edited by Yoshiiew; 09-19-2012, 07:50 AM.Character:Eidolon Priest
Server:Tinosia Delta
If you're going to fight, think on the reason why, don't just fight for no reason, think on this:What is the point of beeing hated just because you wanted to do something? normally any person would say they just felt like it.. Be different, say no, fight for good reason and not just for fun/revenge, fight for what you believe on!
I think they should have merged the older servers with the older ones (like S34 S40) because with all this ones there's a lot of eidolons on the servers, we don't have any chance against them in seng, delivery, GR, and any other PvP event, I think u screwed the hole thing. '-'
lvl 65+
Sullen Dunes
Well I haven't been playing the game much here lately and with this new merge it looks like I will be playing it even less now. Eventually all these merges will ruin the game and they will have to change the name to get new players. Happens to several games that I have played in the past after merges. Lag was already pretty bad in this game and now it will get worse and the more merges they do the more lag. You would think that they would stop making new servers instead of always having to merge but oh well. The short time I played CS was fun but the end is near.
oh yeah and I forgot to mention, these are US servers, I think you should do something about the amount of people that don't speak English. It is something that you can do, you just have to do it. It makes the game play for lots very unpleasureable.Last edited by AngelRayne; 09-19-2012, 08:43 AM.
Originally posted by iAmHated View Postseriously? no, gmut event is not enough for newer servers... and it ain't gonna happen
merging servers with too long month cap is pretty much a bad idea.
Newer server players getting bullied and squished by old server players will be the everyday scene. And you'll reason out that new server player should work harder to get strong? No no no! How can they do that if they can't farm honors (OHKO on GRs as well as world maps PVPs, Balancer buff ain't enough inside sengolia ) , can't buy items with fair prices, and get bullied everyday? You seriously can't do that with a 4 - 5 months gap within servers. The only way is to cash or quit. Well that sucks for noncashers.Name: (S51)Aliceianna
Server: Cimmerian Woodlands
Class: Ranger Hybrid
Plane: Eidolon
Pet: Burning Angel (Gen 3), Demon King, and way more than i care to go into on here
Level: 143+
Honor Rank:Emperor
Mount: Killin
Guild: (S34)Rebels (General)
Originally posted by rebel07 View Posttrue and the WC is soo busy, i am getting dizzy by reading the WC. hehehe.. i guess most of the players who will going to quit are from this S51.Name: (S51)Aliceianna
Server: Cimmerian Woodlands
Class: Ranger Hybrid
Plane: Eidolon
Pet: Burning Angel (Gen 3), Demon King, and way more than i care to go into on here
Level: 143+
Honor Rank:Emperor
Mount: Killin
Guild: (S34)Rebels (General)
Originally posted by R22596188 View Postok i have issues with the merger like all of us but honestly i am not a casher not since the day i started that day i did cash and i also have my vip monthly but other than that so if you want to call me a casher ok dosnt matter but it is not like im sudonly going to cash like 600$ or something just to catch up it just meens i have to farm harder and be faster ect im not giving up and im from the newest server in the merges atleast the pvp ones and honestly i did gr thismorning with little to no issues got my resorses and got out there are ways for the tinny little player to get things done you just have to be sneekyer and you have to be smarter about what you are doing yeah the prices are all kinds of messed up right now but there are alot that are in my favore like ok i know eventuly i will need ew and gmuts but guess what i can sell those things to the players that are needing them right now at a much higher price than my server was selling them at and i spent my 1.5 months farming and colecting and guess what i got 2 lvls on my wings and have enough fse to get my frag to where i need bse so yeah not all bad also cause im friendly there are players from the bigger server that accept me so first day after merg went to lvl 50 on the ladder for the first time when the best i was getting before (if i was lucky to get a good party) was lvl 32 so that is 2 more ss than i would have had is it unfair to merg little server with a bigger one by several months difference hell yess but can a smart player make it work for them i say yes do i miss my old server yeah and i have lost alot of people i called friend to them giving up and quiting but i say ill just make new friends
Up to your comment, well you can tell it to a 4 - month - sullen dunes - non casher like me >..<
What i am saying is for the sake of other new server players, cashers / non cashers alike. 6 server merging + 4 -5 month old server gap is really F$%d up (excuse me) . The lag is horrible, item prices are fluctuating, OHKO from old server players - Tells the new players to quit.
R2games should realize that this is really a bad server merge. What's up with the merge notice? No time for new players to get ready for the massive server merge.
yiiiikesServer: Sullen Dunes (S47)
IGN: SkitzO
Class: Knight (hybrid, dps)
Plane: Scion
Level: ??
Honor Rank: Arch Duke
Guild: Hellbourne (Guild Master)
What people dont realize is newer servers can NEVER catch up, NEVER its not possible unless u are a super heavy casher. You can try to tell me it is but its IMPOSSIBLE. On your regular server things like ENS/EPS/EBS all have a decent price and u can farm them and sell them to make money. Thats usally the main means of making money for non cashers, is shards and things like that. Well...u get merged with a bunch of old servers where there shards are at 20s each, even ones from lvl85 dungeon how can u make money? Before merge i was making 2-3d per day off EPS/ENS, now if i was to do that, i would make...15-20g IF i could even get one person to buy some. There is no catching up, so please stop saying "just stick it out you will catch up" cause its not possible. And dont get me started on honor...cant gain any honor at all, 2-3min seng are over, every player from the older servers can 1 shot you and they KNOW it so they target the new server players. Gr...cant even enter without getting killing 30times, half the time they got a lvl 70 edilon standing at each teleportal waiting for any1 to come out so they can 1 shot u. r2 is retarded...thats all i have to say.