There has been a continued issue with afking in key area for corruption, with recent emergency maintenance that has been changed. There are still gonna be issues with this area, Knights will have a massive advantage over all other players collecting keys. A knights fight on last for 8 sec and they can cover the whole map in this time. It takes 20 sec for the keys to change to blue for anyone else to be able to pick them up. Hence the knights can travel the map and collect all the keys , then the fight on is off cool down and it will continue the process. This will not leave any way for other classes to be able to collect keys.
My suggestion for this would be to remove the need for keys totally , or possibly make the key area open all the time that way people can enter at any time to farm for keys not just the two hours each day allotted for corruption time.
If you removed the need for keys the corruption could be set as a dungeon and can be ran at anytime during the day same as any other dungeon, since it is not a pvp event, and it really does not matter when it is ran.
Ty for you time and hope this thread has given a achievable suggestion for corruption.
My suggestion for this would be to remove the need for keys totally , or possibly make the key area open all the time that way people can enter at any time to farm for keys not just the two hours each day allotted for corruption time.
If you removed the need for keys the corruption could be set as a dungeon and can be ran at anytime during the day same as any other dungeon, since it is not a pvp event, and it really does not matter when it is ran.
Ty for you time and hope this thread has given a achievable suggestion for corruption.