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suggestion for corruption

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  • suggestion for corruption

    There has been a continued issue with afking in key area for corruption, with recent emergency maintenance that has been changed. There are still gonna be issues with this area, Knights will have a massive advantage over all other players collecting keys. A knights fight on last for 8 sec and they can cover the whole map in this time. It takes 20 sec for the keys to change to blue for anyone else to be able to pick them up. Hence the knights can travel the map and collect all the keys , then the fight on is off cool down and it will continue the process. This will not leave any way for other classes to be able to collect keys.
    My suggestion for this would be to remove the need for keys totally , or possibly make the key area open all the time that way people can enter at any time to farm for keys not just the two hours each day allotted for corruption time.
    If you removed the need for keys the corruption could be set as a dungeon and can be ran at anytime during the day same as any other dungeon, since it is not a pvp event, and it really does not matter when it is ran.
    Ty for you time and hope this thread has given a achievable suggestion for corruption.

  • #2
    This is very true, if you have 2+ knights with fight on in Corruption you are fluffed! can kiss good bye too getting any keys as knights can actually cover ALL of the area in the 8 seconds, then lap around again collecting up the keys by spamming space bar.

    I agree with the idea of getting rid of the keys and making it an all day event, it would actually make much more sense.

    GUILD: The Spartans

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    • #3
      We can only hope... Pretty sure most players want this but not many bother with supporting suggestions anymore...


      • #4
        most people can only do 1 entery to corrupt cuz of things in their life...Also the key drop rate could be raised...cuz I can spend 10-20 mins just to find all 5 keys before I even start the 5 entrys...And thats without the knights tbh...
        IGN: (CS1) (S80)Tannlaus LV178 Eidolon Rogue
        Prom I wings... so expensive... especially if you keep forgettin corrupt :D
        Kamikaze Member
        Somany little time...
        If you wanna know why I went with a Rogue well... Stealth is good for lurking in chat while still runnin through SG :cool:


        • #5
          Agreed, corruption is better off without keys altogether. While people using AFK mode for the longest time meant key farming was tolerable (you go in on AFK mode and look away for a while, then come back to see if you got any), without that it makes the event a giant pain. And while AFK mode made key farming tolerable it has never been at all useful, it really has only ever gotten in the way.

          I rather like the idea of just making corruption a dungeon, especially if parties are allowed- that would let you take lower level players up with you so they could get stuff to upgrade that they normally couldn't. I doubt this idea will happen because of people with alts, but I just wanted to mention that I at least support it.


          • #6
            A few of the rewards could do with a bit of work aswell...Bound MUT are so useful to someone that can clear the 3rd floor...
            IGN: (CS1) (S80)Tannlaus LV178 Eidolon Rogue
            Prom I wings... so expensive... especially if you keep forgettin corrupt :D
            Kamikaze Member
            Somany little time...
            If you wanna know why I went with a Rogue well... Stealth is good for lurking in chat while still runnin through SG :cool:


            • #7
              i agree with getting rid of the keys


              • #8
                Or if they refuse to remove the keys and to keep the no AFKing in there, then they need to add at least 5 Levels to the area and make it an all day event. I do not think that the Dev's actually understand how impossible it is to farm in there when you have 25+ toons all in the same area and same level and 3+ of them are knights.

                The AFKing in the area wasn't hurting anyone, you were guaranteed some keys even if you had others afking on top of you.
                Last edited by adrimid; 05-24-2015, 11:29 AM.
                Ign: (S44)Euthanize
                Guild: (J1)Philippines
                Level: 150 Eidolon
                Class: Support Priest.

                I'm annoying.
                ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌


                • #9
                  I think getting rid of keys and make corruption accessible 24/7 like daily dungeons is good idea! Due to time zone difference/work/school etc...not everyone can do it at those scheduled time.

                  The corruption time for me is 7AM (Sleeping) and 4:30PM (Working)


                  • #10
                    me to really dont need them and a lot of ppl work and dont have time to get keys but injoy the event


                    • #11
                      It was possible to get enough keys with being able to afk in Corr for keys. But now it's impossible! Noone has enough time to finish 5 runs in 1 hour, and farm enough keys at the same time when you have like 4 - 5 people around.

                      Please make it possible to afk in key area AND make it 24/7 event. To be honest, I think the necessity of having keys to enter Corr is totally dumb. It's a waste of time and it's so boring.


                      • #12
                        Firstly, Corruption is a great event.

                        For those of us outside the US time zones (and I do appreciate these are US based servers but honestly, have you SEEN the European version) the run times are not great. First Corruption is mid-afternoon here in Europe when many players are at work/school and second Corruption is after midnight when most of us are sleeping.

                        Since we can all gather keys, some faster than others admittedly - I can do 5 runs and still farm enough keys to leave with more than I started with so not an issue for me personally, it would be nice if Corruption could be made an all-day event, with or without keys, which would make it accessible to many more players.

                        Another suggestion.
                        I would guess that ALL the bound muts and hw collected in Corruption are immediately junked by everyone strong enough to get them. Maybe they could be removed from the packs, the remaining wing upgrade materials moved down the levels a little and new items added to higher level packs in their place for instance, maybe Chi Essence could be added.
                        Last edited by Riversong; 05-28-2015, 05:10 AM.
                        WE ARE LEGENDS

                        IGN: Riversong
                        Server: (S1)Aurora Point
                        Class: Mage
                        Lvl: Eido 180
                        Pets: Guardian Angel, Emperor Demon + a lot of others
                        Guild: 'LEGENDS'


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Riversong View Post
                          Firstly, Corruption is a great event.

                          For those of us outside the US time zones (and I do appreciate these are US based servers but honestly, have you SEEN the European version) the run times are not great. First Corruption is mid-afternoon here in Europe when many players are at work/school and second Corruption is after midnight when most of us are sleeping.

                          Since we can all gather keys, some faster than others admittedly - I can do 5 runs and still farm enough keys to leave with more than I started with so not an issue for me personally, it would be nice if Corruption could be made an all-day event, with or without keys, which would make it accessible to many more players.
                          This is so true, even could do all 5 corruption runs in decent time its still hard to get enough keys and do 5 runs during 1 hour if there is any other ppl trying to get keys same time and time zone on european players makes doing second corruption pretty much impossible.
                          Either removing keys or even better, making corruption like any dungeon would be awesome solution.
                          Last edited by Reverie; 05-28-2015, 07:08 AM. Reason: Inserted quote.


                          • #14
                            Give the people what they want!!!!!!!!!!

                            NO KEYS NO KEYS NO KEYS hehehe

                            And throw in a few more levels just for the hell of it
                            Legends Praetorian

                            Caesar's personal Assassin

                            Married to the best priest in the game

                            DEATH WILL COME FOR YOU


                            • #15
                              You are the Devil Incarnate Death Dealer - you trouble maker you lol
                              WE ARE LEGENDS

                              IGN: Riversong
                              Server: (S1)Aurora Point
                              Class: Mage
                              Lvl: Eido 180
                              Pets: Guardian Angel, Emperor Demon + a lot of others
                              Guild: 'LEGENDS'

