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[Announcement] Emergency Maintenance 12/16 @ 08:40 AM EST has ended!

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  • Originally posted by DasUbermage View Post
    Maybe they realised their mistake in only putting in one bug this time, so they went to maintenance again to add in a few more
    Ye lol, most likely.
    Player: sunshinε
    Server: US West - S354 Crystal Well
    Guild: LostSouls

    Class: Knight
    Level: 80
    Battle Rating: 498k

    Not antisocial, just anti-stupidity.


    • hope this maintenance can fix my bugggeddd, i can't open my inventory bag, skill and mail, using my mini client


      • oh poor america poor poor guys omg so so sad for u guys, let me shead some tears :P (we miss most of this **** every time, while u cozy up in your beds unbeknownst to the things we miss)


        • Originally posted by BradyB View Post
          I play on a west coast server and I have gotten my rewards everyday without fail. I have also gotten my one weekly reward without fail. So, it's not ALL of them for sure.
          Well a majority of us are yet to receive what is rightfully ours and yet still there is no reply to the official thread that was made. Countless tickets were filed also.
          IGN: princestewii
          Class: Archer
          Server: Kabam 86


          • Originally posted by Woofster View Post
            Apparently not since this is taking just as long as the normal Maintenance, if not longer.
            By the looks of it the dev's still need to install Plexiglas in their stomachs to see what they are doing cause they still have there heads up their butts.
            And since I got turned down for the Game Mentor I don't care what I post in here anymore. They hate the Truth being posted. Just a reckless company collecting every dime they can get.
            Everything takes too long for this silly company, taking a **** on players its the fastest way of fixing things.
            Player: sunshinε
            Server: US West - S354 Crystal Well
            Guild: LostSouls

            Class: Knight
            Level: 80
            Battle Rating: 498k

            Not antisocial, just anti-stupidity.


            • Originally posted by spider65 View Post
              ok we are all m issing wb and other events so what are you gm's going to do for us i need all the gold and daru i am missing out on
              They'll probably do as much for you as they do for the Euro servers who lose WB, Tanks, BG etc every single maintenance
              They can never hope to understand the source of our power...
              Ãœbermage - 2M+ - Kabam Server 19 (Euro)


              • dam i mis again a good bug


                • they are most likely doing a roll back, since they wont be able to remove the itens that hae been transformed/converted, i mean , they can, they probably dunno how to do it, so be ready to have lost all you did after the 1st maint.


                  • this is 4th main... in 15 day
                    this game look like have only bugged .
                    how any player continue.
                    must need to solve all issues.


                    • Something that has me really intrigued is the fact that with Christmas being next week why all the people have or claimed to have spend so much money on a game? Wouldn't that money be better spent on something for your family? I don't know maybe buy something nice for your parents? Get you child(ren) a couple things that you know they really want? I just can't believe so many people would rather "waste" so much money on a game definitely around the holidays!


                      • Originally posted by R23250082 View Post
                        this is not maintenanace anymore...
                        should be a "RECOVERY MODE"...
                        hahaha.. a bypass operation maybe..


                        • Are we going to get a couple million more gold for missing WB???


                          • Originally posted by SoNasTy View Post
                            presses 1 for english


                            • Originally posted by wrteng2 View Post
                              So world boss is about to start and maintenance has gone past how long it was posted to take. So they going to bump up the compensation by a few million gold and daru to compensate for missing wb??????
                              wake up sunshine, the day R2 gives something useful for compensation, is the day after the game gets shut down cause everyone got smart and quit... (in laymans terms its never going to happen...)


                              • Announcement!!!

                                R2 cant fix this game anymore. So, this game will be closed!
                                All player can keep that 25 Spulcrum and mahra at home.

