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[Announcement] Emergency Maintenance 12/16 @ 08:40 AM EST has ended!

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  • ya know tho why even worry about this bug you all have never gave a damn about other bugs but now your worried about this one whats up with that is it cause you all wont get more of the players money for chrismas?


    • Originally posted by HumbleSlayer View Post
      exactly, we don't get to keep them.
      You're another. That's not my quote. Heimdall can't even manage the ease of a forum quote, and you're agreeing with - what I don't know .

      Might I suggest the pair of you read up on the perceived value of electronic items as it pertains to online game sales and the pricing market it sustains, as well as how virtual items are tangibly worth a mean sum of what people purchase them for - according to states.

      Edit - that being said, no, no one should get to keep them. However, R2, if they want to do this LEGALLY, needs to do a full refund of both balens spent AS WELL AS amounts recharged during this period. Only then are they satisfying the law.


      • Originally posted by R2_Emma View Post
        UPDATE - We are really sorry to announce that the maintenance will be extended for another 2 hours. After this maintenance, the bugged Christmas Blessing event will be fixed. For those who have received the bugged items during the event, your account will be temporarily suspended, which allowing time for the remove of the extra amount of the bugged items, and another package will be offered to you later as compensation.

        We are deeply sorry for any inconvenience caused for you. Please keep an eye on this thread for any update.
        Update in post 1
        "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
        and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

        On holiday. Please refer any issues to


        • doesn t going from red to yellow at least mean there is some progress


          • NOT online yet servers?? *** we lose one day
            Server :[S63] Talverton Citadel
            Player name: ♣Lost♣
            Guild Name: Enternity
            Player Level:80
            Curent Mood: Angry


            • hahaha maintenance again again and again... and ofc don't forget big spender events here !! C'mon ppl let's all play example diablo III or another else game, seems like this doesnt work..


              • Originally posted by EdGrr View Post
                GUYS stop complaining.. at least there's compensation. Don't try to find something to complain just that you feel like you need to complain, for nothing.
                so 500k gold is fair comp to miss world lag boss?


                • Originally posted by JohnLock071 View Post
                  What calms me at moments like this is a thought about people who actually pay for this horrible game and this incapable company.
                  abt right lol. i dont spend bt i do spend alot of time playing and this is not cool even for free players.


                  • All i need for this and just missed the damn world boss
                    -5,000,000/Daru Gold
                    -100 mahra they can make it 1500
                    Name: Tonto

                    Server: 158 Blightstone

                    Class: Archer

                    Guild: Vengeance


                    • so we missed battle ground and tanks and now world boss, and thats the compensation we get.


                      • Daim the Chinese sc rew it again ......


                        • hmm, missed BG, tanks, now WB (around 6mil gold/daru) and I bet we gonna miss arena time. just great, that tiny compensation is just a joke now.


                          • Originally posted by EsmeWeatherwax View Post
                            Update in post 1
                            +2 hours from now or 4 hours total ?
                            RETIRED. Too much bugs, too time consuming, too few listening from Wartune
                            Wartune : NonoBoulot : S181 : Archer


                            • Lol...suspending accounts "temporarily". Marvelous.


                              • Originally posted by davidholden View Post
                                Do you really wonder why we all sit around complaining?
                                This game is an addiction - we just can't give it up. We all need serious help.
                                SOMEBODY HELP ME !!!
                                i can help you, just deposit 300k balens to my account and therapy will start soon after . lol
                                Shadow Vale

