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Are free players important?

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  • #16
    wait so your saying cashers are basically ****** bags and non cashers are nice honest people lol


    • #17
      Originally posted by Serrin View Post
      Simple answer: Yes.
      Originally posted by R24152717 View Post
      yes they're important... =]
      Originally posted by kattuktk View Post
      Dude no matter what any1 says the truth is that..
      The free players are important as they will get stomped by cashers and make them feel superior, hence they would wanna spend more money.....Freee players are there just to make cashers feel superior thats it.
      I'm going to have to disagree with you Kattuktk. Please remember that "free players" aren't really free players. We just have to play it a bit smart. MOST of the time, cashers will win. It's simple economics. Free players CAN beat some spenders because most of us free players have the time to hit the wilds and work to develop our toons more. Don't forget promotions and videos as well. If you're a free player, I suggest strongly that you do as many as you can. I've seen games FAR worse than this one as far as favoring spenders. You've just got to work a bit harder and not give up.


      • #18
        Originally posted by ShiKKihS View Post
        since when does it need to be fair for free users and balen/premium user? for what is the purpose of being in a premium acc if ur not gonna have an advantage from free users.. FAIL!
        But i can mention games where you do have advantages but nothing like here where your advantages are basicly overkill giving a non paying no chances in hell.

        Originally posted by AlexandrusS5 View Post
        there are, for Pdef, Mdef, & either Patt, or Matt depending on your class.

        Also...sure Cashers can get stronger faster, but the cashers have fewer & fewer advantages these days.
        Lol ohh but i love your second line especially because its wrong. Cashers get more and more advantages over free players it hurts but thats how the game is

        My honest thoughts is offcourse FREE players are important they bring in ALOT of money to r2.

        Don't be fooled and think that a free player are actually FREE and only cost and you who pay actually are a gift to the free players because its wrong.

        ALL players paying or non generate money for R2 just by playing. Actually the way this game work you generate if i recall right 10$ every hour you have been online.

        So if you in total been on for 10 hours in lets say 2 months have you generated for R2 100$.

        And i might even put the amount you generate low. I have heard they changed their methode so who knows what they get now.

        So paying and non paying are getting this company money, and the paying are then getting this company extra money.

        So all in all yes non paying are important, and by screwing them over as r2 are would they lose alot of money if they leave. Because the money the paying generate for being in the game plus for giving money up will not be enough i bet.

        But its always easy for paying players in games like this to say yeh yeh but we pay so you can play for free so stop whining, when in fact most paying players generate less money from their pocket than 1 free player generate for just playing. Offcourse we could argue the paying also generate which they do but to think your money with the other paying players is what keep the game alive and here and if you left would mean the game would die so the free players should be happy is a laugh.

        Paying players are as important as free paying since they generate extra money yes.


        • #19
          The current advantages of a Cash player: Wings , 3 mounts worth 30 points to each stat, improved stats on their gear by spending balens to lock stats, faster exp gain from VIP (not all cashers are VIP & not all VIP are cashers) & the VIP Wheel which has a miniscule chance of getting a few things free players don't. Beyond these, a free player can get pretty much everything else given time, I did say they can get things faster, but given time & patience a free player can get most things a casher does too, (mind you this is assuming a free player who does not take free balen offers, doing a few balen offers can minimize even many of these advantages)


          • #20
            Originally posted by AlexandrusS5 View Post
            The current advantages of a Cash player: Wings , 3 mounts worth 30 points to each stat, improved stats on their gear by spending balens to lock stats, faster exp gain from VIP (not all cashers are VIP & not all VIP are cashers) & the VIP Wheel which has a miniscule chance of getting a few things free players don't. Beyond these, a free player can get pretty much everything else given time, I did say they can get things faster, but given time & patience a free player can get most things a casher does too, (mind you this is assuming a free player who does not take free balen offers, doing a few balen offers can minimize even many of these advantages)
            ACtually your missing something.

            First of the second you get VIP or buy balens are you a paying player so free players are those not using money to get balens and offcourse never has VIP.

            1. Free players can't get lvl 6 - 8 gems.
            2. No all countrise offer free balens so here again you have a disadvantage.
            3. Free players loose honor VIP don't
            4. No extra mounts.
            5. No access to wings
            6. No access to free cool downs.
            7. No revive at WB for more gains.
            8. No VIP wheel.
            9. Less access to Astrals due to no gain by using Alchemy.

            No a Free player will not over time get what a paying does.

            If your lucky those in countriese where there are free balens offers yes they MIGHT get there over time having gem syntz, mounts and wings and what not BUT it also depends if the company don't cheat you, alot of those free offers and even paying offers DO not give you the balens even after fighting with them.

            this is a known issue for many games using this methode the company cheats the customer off their rewards, since its a external company handling this are you screwed.

            Now what about those who can't use any offers who will never get access to free balens what about them?

            In fact those players will never be able to catch up.


            • #21
              yes I forgot the Gem transposing scrolls, but you do realize most of your points are trivial & simply make a casher stronger FASTER which I have said now 3 times is what Cashing does. But to get to your points:

              1. yes the Gems can be a game changer, this is probably the single largest advantage a Casher has over non cashers.
              2. I did state that my points were for a free player NOT using the free balen offers so that's of no issue.
              3. I believe only High level VIP's do not lose honor, so this is a wash as some people may not have high level VIP even if they are a VIP.
              4. the Extra mounts are relatively minor counting currently up to 120 Patk/Matk, 160 Pdef/Mdef if you have the 2 & the brand new Pig.
              5. I stated Wings already which is better at higher levels naturally.
              6. the Free cooldowns is arguably useful, /I personally have never had a problem maxing out everything before my next level including keeping all of my techs maxed out. So once again a Casher has saved time & gotten stronger faster, which I've stated they do. However a free player will still max out everything just the same.
              7. Reviving at WB. yes you get more Gold & Daru at WB, but onxce again this will only DELAY a free player as they have the same options of stuff to buy as a Casher when it comes to gold purchases.
              8. VIP Wheel. Without going into the details of the VIP wheel, it is well known that it may or may not give you anything unique when you spin the wheel, so IF you get something unique yes you get a leg up, but otherwise you're getting things a free player probably can get as well. (aside from plants but plants don't make a huge difference)
              9. This once again goes back to the gold issue, & once again a Casher will probably get to the higher level astrals FASTER but a free player who spends enough time will eventually reach those same levels.

              So aside from the specifics I mentioned & the Transposer Scrolls a Free Player can still get quite a bit to compete with a Casher given time. I have nevr stated Cashers don't have advantages or anything like that, I am simply saying that a Free player given time can get very close.


              • #22
                Originally posted by AlexandrusS5 View Post
                yes I forgot the Gem transposing scrolls, but you do realize most of your points are trivial & simply make a casher stronger FASTER which I have said now 3 times is what Cashing does. But to get to your points:

                1. yes the Gems can be a game changer, this is probably the single largest advantage a Casher has over non cashers.
                2. I did state that my points were for a free player NOT using the free balen offers so that's of no issue.
                3. I believe only High level VIP's do not lose honor, so this is a wash as some people may not have high level VIP even if they are a VIP.
                4. the Extra mounts are relatively minor counting currently up to 120 Patk/Matk, 160 Pdef/Mdef if you have the 2 & the brand new Pig.
                5. I stated Wings already which is better at higher levels naturally.
                6. the Free cooldowns is arguably useful, /I personally have never had a problem maxing out everything before my next level including keeping all of my techs maxed out. So once again a Casher has saved time & gotten stronger faster, which I've stated they do. However a free player will still max out everything just the same.
                7. Reviving at WB. yes you get more Gold & Daru at WB, but onxce again this will only DELAY a free player as they have the same options of stuff to buy as a Casher when it comes to gold purchases.
                8. VIP Wheel. Without going into the details of the VIP wheel, it is well known that it may or may not give you anything unique when you spin the wheel, so IF you get something unique yes you get a leg up, but otherwise you're getting things a free player probably can get as well. (aside from plants but plants don't make a huge difference)
                9. This once again goes back to the gold issue, & once again a Casher will probably get to the higher level astrals FASTER but a free player who spends enough time will eventually reach those same levels.

                So aside from the specifics I mentioned & the Transposer Scrolls a Free Player can still get quite a bit to compete with a Casher given time. I have nevr stated Cashers don't have advantages or anything like that, I am simply saying that a Free player given time can get very close.
                I admire your rationale. However, if you tabulate the advantages, they become multiplicative if they can stack. A free player's only defense is dedication and the hope that the casher will become negligent.


                • #23
                  Agreed, assuming a Casher gains every possible advantage they will be ahead & I never stated that a free player could 100% catch up, but there used to be far more advantages such as the extra socketing rods. & yes the advantages when all added up CAN be a large advantage, +30 to the major stats, 24-28 lvl 8 gems, & wings can definitely add up very quickly.


                  • #24
                    I'm total free player, i would say i matter like everybody elses does.
                    Lets say i spend like 50-60 euro for buying the most important things (wings, transposers, mounts), then what? MAny Many players have those things already and still they can't even think of beating the top cashers. Its the rule, money win cause this game do not rewards skilled players.
                    Ok lets continue, i bought transposers, now so i should need crypt keys to keep up, cos lvl 6 gems doesn't make themself and require LOT of grinding, and not being the best.
                    Well i guess i don't want to pay just to "keep up" its stupid.
                    Every time u spend, u simply "buy more power" or to "speed things up".
                    This argument could be done when everybody has lvl 10 red astrals and everything maxed out as best as they can, and there isn't any other ways to gain power(which means end game?), still at that point (so far away, talking about 6 month probably a year) i don't see the point in buying power.
                    In the very beginning like lvl 35 to 45 i used to complain (not many rods), then there was 2 option:
                    1) spending to lose, 2) don't to spend to lose. The 2nd one was obvious choice for me, cos i like the game and i don't wanna leave it.

                    On long terms these kind of games (played only 2 and for long time), WILL give for free many things that "now looks important" cause they need spenders, to keep spending.

                    And lets not forget that free player has the bigger advantage. They are playing FOR FREE, a great game that someone else pay. Free player shouldn't complain at all
                    Nick: SquaLLuNReaL - Guild: WolfPack - Archer
                    I'm Italian
                    Server pst (USA) Kongregate


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by AlexandrusS5 View Post
                      yes I forgot the Gem transposing scrolls, but you do realize most of your points are trivial & simply make a casher stronger FASTER which I have said now 3 times is what Cashing does. But to get to your points:

                      1. yes the Gems can be a game changer, this is probably the single largest advantage a Casher has over non cashers.
                      2. I did state that my points were for a free player NOT using the free balen offers so that's of no issue.
                      3. I believe only High level VIP's do not lose honor, so this is a wash as some people may not have high level VIP even if they are a VIP.
                      4. the Extra mounts are relatively minor counting currently up to 120 Patk/Matk, 160 Pdef/Mdef if you have the 2 & the brand new Pig.
                      5. I stated Wings already which is better at higher levels naturally.
                      6. the Free cooldowns is arguably useful, /I personally have never had a problem maxing out everything before my next level including keeping all of my techs maxed out. So once again a Casher has saved time & gotten stronger faster, which I've stated they do. However a free player will still max out everything just the same.
                      7. Reviving at WB. yes you get more Gold & Daru at WB, but onxce again this will only DELAY a free player as they have the same options of stuff to buy as a Casher when it comes to gold purchases.
                      8. VIP Wheel. Without going into the details of the VIP wheel, it is well known that it may or may not give you anything unique when you spin the wheel, so IF you get something unique yes you get a leg up, but otherwise you're getting things a free player probably can get as well. (aside from plants but plants don't make a huge difference)
                      9. This once again goes back to the gold issue, & once again a Casher will probably get to the higher level astrals FASTER but a free player who spends enough time will eventually reach those same levels.

                      So aside from the specifics I mentioned & the Transposer Scrolls a Free Player can still get quite a bit to compete with a Casher given time. I have nevr stated Cashers don't have advantages or anything like that, I am simply saying that a Free player given time can get very close.
                      Ahh but still the casher also have access i forgot it

                      Spirit of Convenent =

                      1. HP is free to restore = less gold needed to waste on contribution to buy HP packs
                      2. Blitzing will be Free to do
                      3. Bounties will be completed instantly for free
                      4. Free to speed up in Altar for the 60 extra stamina for more XP and what not
                      5. Warriors call BUFF.

                      Again something that gives advantages.

                      A casher don't get stronger faster in reality if they keep up they will be ahead of any non casher forever.

                      A non casher will not be able to get lvl 6 -8 gems thats a issue.

                      Wings either, mounts for cashers again boost.

                      If a non casher had access to that with hard work then your point of a paying player just get there FASTER would be true.

                      But as long those things are cut off a non casher will your statement be semi true. Because for all the areas which are not gems 6 - 8, wings and extra mounts yes there your right they get there faster no question asked they have the help.

                      But they still beat you due to the fact the gems alone with wings and mounts makes them just that much ahead of you that even with skill will you still have a hard time.

                      On top of that do they have access to better SEEDS and more room for Astrals which can be very usefull at times wished i did lol.

                      Also about Honor loss and VIP.

                      VIP lvl 5 = -40% honor lost. It takes from day 1 to get to lvl 5 IF YOU DO NOT SPEND BALENS 90 days esactly.

                      So in 3 months on VIP will you VIP lvl 5 and have 40% less honor losses.

                      On top of that will you also have: +90% more XP, Auto Checkin (useless), 50 more friends (do come in handy), +20 devotion from start (also handy if you have a day with not alot of time to get the 95 you need), +500 Kyanite when you win over a city in plunder, +10 mystery shop attempts (usefull if your a balen user), 1 click astrals (not sure about this one) and the -40% honor loss (very usefull).

                      Thats just lvl 5.

                      Now if your a ballens user then you get 1 point for every 10 balens used. So the more balens you use the faster you get VIP lvl according to what they write. I can't confirm this what so ever but if thats true then getting to lvl 5 or better for a heavy balen user easy very easy in fact.

                      And if they do use alot of balens getting to lvl 9 max would be easy then you really doing well since you have -100% honor loss = no honor loss at all plus you get +1k kyanite bonus and what not.

                      But i do agree with you to a degree.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by R26757419 View Post
                        On long terms these kind of games (played only 2 and for long time), WILL give for free many things that "now looks important" cause they need spenders, to keep spending.

                        And lets not forget that free player has the bigger advantage. They are playing FOR FREE, a great game that someone else pay. Free player shouldn't complain at all
                        Ahh but your wrong on this part.

                        A free player generate alot of money for R2.

                        You don't think that R2 money gain is from the paying players?

                        Fact is every single player generate money to R2, and most free players due to the fact they have to spend more time in the game to compete generate more money for R2 than most money spenders hand out to R2 for VIP and BALENS. True those same money spenders also generate money for R2 by playing.

                        But the argument money spenders use and many free players like you use which i still laugh about is this: They are playing FOR FREE, a great game that someone else pay. Free player shouldn't complain at all.

                        No your paying for the game by playing your yes not giving your own money to them but your still generating them money. So in fact being a free player just means you do not spend YOUR own money on the game to give them EXTRA cash.

                        If all the money spending players LEFT you think their Argument about the game would die because its them that keeps it alive would happen? Offcourse not if they all left would R2 still be ranking in the money from the non cashers who still play and generate money for them. They would loose alot of revenue on the sales they had for VIP and balens i grand you that but the money paying players do not give more than what R2 gets from everyone just playing the game. Not yet anyway.

                        Money paying players is a good way for R2 to earn extra cash. But trust me did R2 have to chose between loosing all the "paying" players or all the non paying players they would pick the "paying" anyday just for the fact they know they would not be able to earn enough money from the paying players alone not even with what they pay and generate for them.

                        But it do not remove the fact paying players are as important as non paying.


                        • #27
                          Free player's or slaves !!!
                          Level 44 Knight
                          ViP Level 4
                          <420_Guild> Level 5
                          [S94] Galbury Hold
                          Battle Rating 19942


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by R26981785 View Post
                            Free player's or slaves !!!

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	kleenex.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	38.0 KB
ID:	1664747

                            I think that about sums it up.


                            • #29
                              free players arnt needed for r2. if cashers feel lonely, r2 will add some bots.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Wicord View Post
                                free players arnt needed for r2. if cashers feel lonely, r2 will add some bots.
                                We made this suggestion when there was complaining about GA/3v3. It shouldn't be difficult to do and it would help nearly everyone out.

