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death of the knight class

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  • death of the knight class

    Welcome to the death of the knight class with the new 3.1 patch. Knights major ability is to endure damage because we clearly don't do nearly as much damage as the other 2 classes, but not any more. With the new patch, knights gets one of their most useful skills nerfed, the block heal. Not only that but with the new addition of penetration, block just gets shoved aside by massive crits. Basically if you are a knight, block has become completely useless as well as knight block heal passive. Further more this means almost the entire bottom skill tree for knights is completely useless now. The one good skill on the bottom tree is Apollo's Shield. The only problem with that is knights have to waste most over half of their skill points to unlock and upgrade it, due to having to upgrade all the other completely useless skills on the bottom tree. So if you a knight get used to using the same few low damage, long cd, slow attack rate, single target skills over and over until your able to unlock more useless skills in the advanced career at lvl 80, while getting pummeled because you can no longer block and have no way to heal yourself. Id like to also add that soon as knights get a 'slow' ability' the devs disable 'slow' against anything useful, WHAT LUCK!!!!!! If the devs want to continue to disable all knights, the least they can do is give us a faster attack rate. Knights are even stunned longer than the other 2 classes because our attack rate is so much slower. Either that or just remove the knight from the game, it is practically useless anyway now, and allow all knights the option to transfer all their progress and equipment over to another class.

  • #2
    don't be so down bud we will rise one day lol

    SERVER 125



    • #3
      Id like to add, if knights get block heal nerfed, then mages need to get suntora nerfed, and archers need to get their crit bonuses nerfed.


      • #4
        isn't the healing block already nerfed in every other wartune platform? I hear that r2 was like the last one to do the nerfing...
        Lunay - Knighted knight
        23.25M BR
        Guild : SHIELD
        West coast server r2 S38


        • #5
          Is block even useful anymore for knights. Coz if not might as well convert from my wd to crit and lose the block


          • #6
            I'm not so sure on that.

            There is all this talk about super OP knights in China. There is the rumor I've heard since day 1 that at endgame, knights are the most OP class. So far, the only super OP knights I've met are super heavy cashed knights. That looks to me more like enough $ makes anything scary than like knights, as a class, are OP. It feels as though knights are getting China's nerfs without ever getting that golden age of OPness that China's knights enjoyed.

            Perhaps someone who plays on a Chinese server would know why they are doing it the way they are. To many people, it looks more and more like the devs hate knights and love archers.

            One other complaint about nerfing block heal: it feels like the devs are trying to force everyone to the same cookie cutter build. They make def more and more irrelevant, reward single target dps disproportionately more than everything else; they even nerfed evolved sylph skills so that only herc got all the skills shown in the blogs. It feels like they want everyone to go crit and have a heavy cashed Herc (with 2 more heavy cashed sylphs for sylph arena and the patch that will eventually make them our troops).


            • #7
              Originally posted by KS222 View Post
              I'm not so sure on that.

              There is all this talk about super OP knights in China. There is the rumor I've heard since day 1 that at endgame, knights are the most OP class. So far, the only super OP knights I've met are super heavy cashed knights. That looks to me more like enough $ makes anything scary than like knights, as a class, are OP. It feels as though knights are getting China's nerfs without ever getting that golden age of OPness that China's knights enjoyed.

              Perhaps someone who plays on a Chinese server would know why they are doing it the way they are. To many people, it looks more and more like the devs hate knights and love archers.

              One other complaint about nerfing block heal: it feels like the devs are trying to force everyone to the same cookie cutter build. They make def more and more irrelevant, reward single target dps disproportionately more than everything else; they even nerfed evolved sylph skills so that only herc got all the skills shown in the blogs. It feels like they want everyone to go crit and have a heavy cashed Herc (with 2 more heavy cashed sylphs for sylph arena and the patch that will eventually make them our troops).
              People say "oh wow 1mil HP is gonna be so OP, you'll heal back 50k every block!!" yet they either don't want to get the fact that the amount of damage taken will be incredibly larger than it is now, or just want to make excuses to weaken a class they suck against.

              I mean if you're having a mage sunto for for 50k per turn end game why the hell limit knights? lol

              There's a video of a mage vs knight, where knight's block healing 3k and mage sunto for 12-15k or something iirc, even though the knight was really bad the mage still wrecks him horribly. That's the current future of PvP, unless you build pure offense and have enough power to wipe out anyone in front of you.

              But yup, same build for everyone, nothing else matters.


              • #8
                Who ever will say knight are so dead,
                tell them to tank
                NIRVANA Night mare NOW !

                I'm Cupcaked ! My Account got hacked and some cupcaker sold every thing. Blah !!!
                and R2 Not helping with restoring the account. Sweet, This is what i put tons of money here .


                • #9
                  Well, knight is not that bad. Before patch i reached Necro 26 with 185K BR. After patch my BR raised to 195K and managed to reach 30.Still stuck on 30 , no mire rune but i wanna clear 30 with BR below 200K.


                  • #10
                    I don't say knights are dead, but mages and archers (cashed, ofc) can tank Nirvana nightmare. Having sufficient dps to kill the last boss before its buff is the challenge, not tanking its hits. Considering how many knights on my server have gone crit, my mage (EWD with just short of 9k block) tanks better in mps than almost anyone on the server.


                    • #11
                      I find it Funny that Top mages (From CW videos) don't even bother using Puri while they are on Level 10 bleed. Because they heal so much that it outclass 12k bleed. Not to mention Crit heal. Archers Blood Thirsty is the same.
                      As for Knight "Jesus will come and Enlighten us"
                      IGN: Kittylation
                      Server: Miniclip
                      Br: Never Fixed


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Lazydazymugetsu View Post
                        I find it Funny that Top mages (From CW videos) don't even bother using Puri while they are on Level 10 bleed. Because they heal so much that it outclass 12k bleed. Not to mention Crit heal. Archers Blood Thirsty is the same.
                        As for Knight "Jesus will come and Enlighten us"
                        reason why they dont is because ppl aim to bleed wen they already pressed the sylph button thats why i dont bring puri does nothing for me. the fight ends in sylph form and i am so not getting out of sylph form to puri myself against another sylph lol.
                        Last edited by ArtemisS58; 08-14-2014, 03:49 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ArtemisS58 View Post
                          reason why they dont is because ppl aim to bleed wen they already pressed the sylph button thats why i dont bring puri does nothing for me. the fight ends in sylph form and i am so not getting out of sylph form to puri myself against another sylph lol
                          U will prefer to use Santorio rather then puri. At high levels 12k bleed is nothing fr mages, but for knight it is
                          IGN: Kittylation
                          Server: Miniclip
                          Br: Never Fixed


                          • #14
                   guys got archers DF nerfed in are even knights....Face the punishments for your sins XD
                            "You're the darkest burning star, You're my perfect disease"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lazydazymugetsu View Post
                              I find it Funny that Top mages (From CW videos) don't even bother using Puri while they are on Level 10 bleed. Because they heal so much that it outclass 12k bleed. Not to mention Crit heal. Archers Blood Thirsty is the same.
                              As for Knight "Jesus will come and Enlighten us"
                              Another better reason may be because some mages don't use blood rune, which will make puri useless, whereas Suntoria acts as puri and isn't useless when their opponents don't use bleed.

