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death of the knight class

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  • #61
    well i think some knights are a bit overreacting but i also see them in a bad spot right now. and about guardian rune... the others better start to lvl it. its useful in almost every scenario:
    pvp: time it right and use right after ur enemy clicked his sylph delphic, thanks to runes in sylphmode thats not really hard. knights cant do that with their slow casted, only out of sylphmode shields
    wb: wanna survive last hit? use guardian rune. as knight you need over 200k br and the right res stacked very high for this, mages and archers have it much easier if they decide to get this rune. Knight shields are not nearly as good for this, they are slow cast, cost rage and will scr.ew your wb rotation.
    any other pve event: time it right for whenever a strong attack is coming. there are other options like healrune,ragerune if needed, but this one is definitely a good choice too.


    • #62
      Originally posted by kattuktk View Post
      Hmm, so i guess you had no counter arguments so you posted this useless comment, can't blame you, it's pretty hard trying to find flaws in an overly powerful and unfairly biased class.
      for crying out loud, read my previous posts scattered in ALL of the topic about knights whining. good luck in finding those, because there's like hundreds of the topics only from you alone.
      i swear to god its easier to teach a pig calculus than putting some intelligence into your brain.
      Originally posted by Wraithraiser
      Welcome to R2 forums. Where quality is nonexistent and quantity is only measured in the number of whines a single day can produce.


      • #63
        Originally posted by kattuktk View Post
        Hmm, so i guess you had no counter arguments so you posted this useless comment, can't blame you, it's pretty hard trying to find flaws in an overly powerful and unfairly biased class.
        There are lots, yet even if we said them to you, your pretty prideful brain will not accept it. So it is better to post useless comments unto you, rather than feed up your hopeless mind.


        • #64
          yeah knights are ruin but i still love my knight with 210k BR hehe....for pvp its better knight using defend skill set like cast apollo shield before awaken although it didnt reduce dmg as much as guardian rune but it helps...then let ur sylph do the killing
          IGN: Yummy from S106


          • #65
            R2 gave his last hit to the knights class by maxing the heal after block hp with 3 k hp. Even the 5 k i got before wasnt all that much, but made me eager to keep upping block and hp.
            For me the only thing that made being knight bearable has been taken away, i have no other option then to quit this game ater playing it for almost a year.
            Way to go R2!


            • #66
              Originally posted by kingofgamez View Post
              don't be so down bud we will rise one day lol
              our days r over dude
              Honor: GDK
              KNIGHT ☣


              • #67
                Originally posted by KINGQQQQ View Post
                Is block even useful anymore for knights. Coz if not might as well convert from my wd to crit and lose the block
                lose the block n be more like an archerr aand less like a knight
                Honor: GDK
                KNIGHT ☣


                • #68
                  Knight skill intercept became better, since it will now target a player in the back row. Not all bad.
                  Server: Armor S6
                  IGN: Xanthralla
                  Guild: Samurai


                  • #69
                    Just watch a future patch gives knights to be severely OP
                    Basics won't complain about them then..
                    Archers will yell "MERCY"
                    Mages don't need to fight back and forth
                    SO pick them if you want too >_>

                    I...I love you like a love song baby...
                    I.. I love you like a love song baby...
                    I...I love you like a love song baby...
                    And I keep hitting repe-pe-pe-pe-peat.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by SkiaXia View Post
                      Just watch a future patch gives knights to be severely OP
                      Basics won't complain about them then..
                      Archers will yell "MERCY"
                      Mages don't need to fight back and forth
                      SO pick them if you want too >_>
                      Give some hint please . About Severely OP, need some motivation
                      IGN: Kittylation
                      Server: Miniclip
                      Br: Never Fixed


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Wraithraiser View Post
                        People say "oh wow 1mil HP is gonna be so OP, you'll heal back 50k every block!!" yet they either don't want to get the fact that the amount of damage taken will be incredibly larger than it is now, or just want to make excuses to weaken a class they suck against.

                        I mean if you're having a mage sunto for for 50k per turn end game why the hell limit knights? lol

                        There's a video of a mage vs knight, where knight's block healing 3k and mage sunto for 12-15k or something iirc, even though the knight was really bad the mage still wrecks him horribly. That's the current future of PvP, unless you build pure offense and have enough power to wipe out anyone in front of you.

                        But yup, same build for everyone, nothing else matters.
                        Yes, but a Mage has to spend a turn casting Sunto and take a 20-rage hit. Knight's Block-Heal passive is free, can't be dispelled via Purge / Scatter and can go off multiple times per round. Haven't you seen, pre-patch, the 4v4 fights in Guild Battle where a group of 4 Knights would each be healing 15k+ HP a turn? The block-rate in PvE w/ a Block Stat of 10,000 was close to 90%. In PvP it was around 75%. With 200k HP that an 8K heal per turn, not to mention 30% Damage Reduction at no cost to Rage or Actions. It was too much. People have been saying it's too much for close to a year now.

                        What they SHOULD have done with Block-Heal passives is have the amount healed be a factor of the Block Value itself. A Simple Formula like: (5% of Max HP (Capped at 3K) + 33% of Block Value) would create a more reasonable scaling value. Even a 15k Block way down the road would result in an 8K Heal, which is still very nice when it's completely free.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Arlad View Post
                          learn more about the game before posting useless ****.
                          Ignore the hypocrite troll kat, 2000+ of his posts are useless **** as well


                          • #73
                            mars will (advanced knight skill) is pretty awesome in some situations, if not totally op. just saying.. :P


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Setsuna88 View Post
                              mars will (advanced knight skill) is pretty awesome in some situations, if not totally op. just saying.. :P
                              It's kinda cool. Thinking maybe it'll allow easier passing of electro boss in wilds? If the splash damage got split 4x
                              Still playing with the skills, but they're kinda costly when it comes to rage...

                              Thrasher passive was great tho, went from stuck on 22 to stuck on 26 necro, no buffs.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Zorich View Post
                                Yes, but a Mage has to spend a turn casting Sunto and take a 20-rage hit. Knight's Block-Heal passive is free, can't be dispelled via Purge / Scatter and can go off multiple times per round. Haven't you seen, pre-patch, the 4v4 fights in Guild Battle where a group of 4 Knights would each be healing 15k+ HP a turn? The block-rate in PvE w/ a Block Stat of 10,000 was close to 90%. In PvP it was around 75%. With 200k HP that an 8K heal per turn, not to mention 30% Damage Reduction at no cost to Rage or Actions. It was too much. People have been saying it's too much for close to a year now.

                                What they SHOULD have done with Block-Heal passives is have the amount healed be a factor of the Block Value itself. A Simple Formula like: (5% of Max HP (Capped at 3K) + 33% of Block Value) would create a more reasonable scaling value. Even a 15k Block way down the road would result in an 8K Heal, which is still very nice when it's completely free.
                                This is probably the most thought-out response I've read so far. Explained why they didn't like the ability, and offered a simple solution that is sort of palatable.

                                While it doesn't address the problem with penetration completely voiding the knights block, it does address the advanced skill passive.

                                I'm only a small Knight, and still learning, but I rely on block completely and have noticed the impact of some of the changes in nirvana nm already that I have to take my iris for the ride. A lot of that is because the archer DF is missing which means the poor knight tanking is getting hit 2x for every attack he/she can do.
                                Personally I'd like to see the percentage of block value a little higher than 33% in your example (something closer to 50%) because it really is the only heal a knight will get continuously.
                                Server: S273
                                Name: Paladinexp
                                Class: Knight
                                Level: 80, BR 175k
                                1 star Purple Hercules, 1 star Purple Iris, 1 star purple Amazon Queen

                                Guild Master: Empire

