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death of the knight class

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  • #46
    k r2, i will quit now, u ruined knight class enough.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Pickapath View Post
      You forget about slyphs...a knight with a strong iris is a nightmare to face.
      useeee gaia, and he will be a 1 hit.
      Honor: GDK
      KNIGHT ☣


      • #48
        Originally posted by ancev View Post
        To tell you the truth I still feel sorry for not picking knight class when I started playing this game, no joke intended, just honest truth. They look cool and are hard to play, 2 factors that make me want to pick them.
        they ssure looked cool, but if u go on new server n look upon players, u will hardly find any knight, even if somehow u find, tht would be the player who is a first timer n know nothing.
        Honor: GDK
        KNIGHT ☣


        • #49
          Originally posted by ancev View Post
          Well bloodthirsty strike and deflection astral sort of work the same way. Hit for 0 damage, heal for 30k, or hit for 10k, get reflected 40k damage. I know the mechanics are different but the principle is the same no?
          i don't know either what kind of calculater wartune use in "healing with bloodthristy strike"when it does 0 dmg.
          Honor: GDK
          KNIGHT ☣


          • #50
            Originally posted by redav View Post
            i don't know either what kind of calculater wartune use in "healing with bloodthristy strike"when it does 0 dmg.
            that explains why you keep complaining. learn more about the game before posting useless ****.

            for easiest example: knight has apollo and agoran active plus other damage reductions like medals, talents, and astral, archer use the BTStrike. it deals 0 damage to the knight, but since the actual damage should be 60k the archer healed 30k.
            Originally posted by Wraithraiser
            Welcome to R2 forums. Where quality is nonexistent and quantity is only measured in the number of whines a single day can produce.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Arlad View Post
              that explains why you keep complaining. learn more about the game before posting useless ****.

              for easiest example: knight has apollo and agoran active plus other damage reductions like medals, talents, and astral, archer use the BTStrike. it deals 0 damage to the knight, but since the actual damage should be 60k the archer healed 30k.
              Yeah and that is very unfair too, but screw that, what kind of a mentally challenged archer uses BT anymore lol? maybe on troops yeah but all they gotta do is go to hercules and just one shot any knight of comparable BR after lowering their MDEF( and use guardian if knights go to hercules, wasting 3-4 turns of the poor knights awakening)


              • #52
                Originally posted by kattuktk View Post
                Yeah and that is very unfair too, but screw that, what kind of a mentally challenged archer uses BT anymore lol? maybe on troops yeah but all they gotta do is go to hercules and just one shot any knight of comparable BR after lowering their MDEF( and use guardian if knights go to hercules, wasting 3-4 turns of the poor knights awakening)
                Sir i would like to know, when you compare Knight with any other class, what do you consider while comparing?
                What Level you put while you compare. E.g "Cashiers, No cashiers, Semi-cashiers".
                As i read your comments, i only see that you compare Cashiers only. You are bringing up Guardian Rune in your Statement as if all of us Own that rune.
                Note: I have huge respect for you in terms of Hating knights, because you don't lean at all and don't try to understand also. For that you honestly have earned my respect.
                Sir; Also if you reply i know what that will be.
                IGN: Kittylation
                Server: Miniclip
                Br: Never Fixed


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Lazydazymugetsu View Post
                  Sir i would like to know, when you compare Knight with any other class, what do you consider while comparing?
                  What Level you put while you compare. E.g "Cashiers, No cashiers, Semi-cashiers".
                  As i read your comments, i only see that you compare Cashiers only. You are bringing up Guardian Rune in your Statement as if all of us Own that rune.
                  Note: I have huge respect for you in terms of Hating knights, because you don't lean at all and don't try to understand also. For that you honestly have earned my respect.
                  Sir; Also if you reply i know what that will be.
                  Owning a guardian rune does not require too much effort, I believe almost 90% of archers / mages already have it because of the tons of events till now which basically threw every rune at us( the exchange runes events), i myself have all the runes knights can afford, almost everyone in my guild also have them, ofc if someone did not make use of those events then it's their fault, and once they own the guardian rune, getting it up levels is not difficult at all, it will require time yeah but whenever people(cashers or not) start getting advanced guardian runes, it'll be the end.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by kattuktk View Post
                    Yeah and that is very unfair too, but screw that, what kind of a mentally challenged archer uses BT anymore lol? maybe on troops yeah but all they gotta do is go to hercules and just one shot any knight of comparable BR after lowering their MDEF( and use guardian if knights go to hercules, wasting 3-4 turns of the poor knights awakening)
                    im really amazed someone manage to keep himself looking more stupid than people the likes of jam bacon. people already told the reasons why your stupid scenario wont be happening easily but it keep flew over you head.
                    Originally posted by Wraithraiser
                    Welcome to R2 forums. Where quality is nonexistent and quantity is only measured in the number of whines a single day can produce.


                    • #55
                      about guardian rune... i asked someone with lvl 10 rune and the advanced button said it will be 70% for 2 turns, not 85% for 4 turns or whatever they said in another post ^^, unless of course you can upgrade them further than what we can see now. while this is still much better than any protection the knight can offer its not nearly as bad as 4 rounds, which would be the most op rune of all.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by kattuktk View Post
                        Owning a guardian rune does not require too much effort, I believe almost 90% of archers / mages already have it because of the tons of events till now which basically threw every rune at us( the exchange runes events), i myself have all the runes knights can afford, almost everyone in my guild also have them, ofc if someone did not make use of those events then it's their fault, and once they own the guardian rune, getting it up levels is not difficult at all, it will require time yeah but whenever people(cashers or not) start getting advanced guardian runes, it'll be the end.
                        Sir, how many runes you can afford to level up to max??
                        So you every 90% archer/mage will invest on guardian rune now??
                        Anyways i don't want to make it in an argument, you hate knights and nothing can be done. I love knights and you can't do anything about it
                        IGN: Kittylation
                        Server: Miniclip
                        Br: Never Fixed


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Arlad View Post
                          im really amazed someone manage to keep himself looking more stupid than people the likes of jam bacon. people already told the reasons why your stupid scenario wont be happening easily but it keep flew over you head.
                          Come again? some people in my server already have advanced( YES, ADVANCED) guardian runes, are you saying that getting a high level guardian rune(normal) is pretty tough?
                          Now listen up, you guys have IS, one of the most useful skills in the entire game, you gotta use IS whenever the opposing guy awakens, isn't that easy?? i guess it is, ok so we move on to guardian runes, now if you had any amount of brains you should probably have a guardian rune by now, you guys just need to invest in it, even a lvl 4-5 guardian rune will do the trick on combining with IS.
                          The idea here is that in top levels the games are purely decided on sylph attacks, nothing else matters, if you can get a certain % of damage reduction during that period then you basically win, now combine even a moderately leveled guardian( I believe level 5 is not too hard to get so it's a real scenario) with IS and you get a huge amount of damage reduction during the sylph rounds and thus you basically win.
                          You guys have the victory handed over in a shiny golden plate, it's just that you just dont think.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by kattuktk View Post
                            it's just that you just dont think.
                            you are the master of irony indeed.
                            Originally posted by Wraithraiser
                            Welcome to R2 forums. Where quality is nonexistent and quantity is only measured in the number of whines a single day can produce.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Setsuna88 View Post
                              about guardian rune... i asked someone with lvl 10 rune and the advanced button said it will be 70% for 2 turns, not 85% for 4 turns or whatever they said in another post ^^, unless of course you can upgrade them further than what we can see now. while this is still much better than any protection the knight can offer its not nearly as bad as 4 rounds, which would be the most op rune of all.
                              In top levels you just need to survive 1 round with authority, that being the round when the opposing sylph uses delphic, even 2 rounds is more than enough, if you are very little damage from sylph delphic then you basically win, thats the formula


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Arlad View Post
                                you are the master of irony indeed.
                                Hmm, so i guess you had no counter arguments so you posted this useless comment, can't blame you, it's pretty hard trying to find flaws in an overly powerful and unfairly biased class.

