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death of the knight class

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  • #31
    Originally posted by DanteMugetsu View Post
    i am a mage and i feel sorry for the block nerf, it should cap higher imho. BUT ITS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO HEAL MORE THAN THE HITS. u cant get hit for 200 and heal for 12k. its out of any game logic i ve played so far. my suggestion would be either cap at 8-10k, or nerf it to like 2-3%, but with the correction of low hits/high heals. ie (get hit for 2k u heal max for 2k, get hit for 20k u heal for the cap)
    Mate we all can give suggestions; "do this or do that or may be if this happens or may be if knights can", but the fact is "its done and you can't do anything about it"
    IGN: Kittylation
    Server: Miniclip
    Br: Never Fixed


    • #32
      All decent knights did that in pvp as in pvp you don't rely much on chance. So we had to go ewd and push block up.And to benefit from high block we had to stay in front and be a pinata. Considering that our dmg was not the highest outhere, we had to rely on endurance fights rather than quick ones. Atm I am puzzled, I have no ideea what to try. I hate % chance astrals and everything that is not reliable.


      • #33
        You forget about slyphs...a knight with a strong iris is a nightmare to face.


        • #34
          Originally posted by akisakura View Post
          All decent knights did that in pvp as in pvp you don't rely much on chance. So we had to go ewd and push block up.And to benefit from high block we had to stay in front and be a pinata. Considering that our dmg was not the highest outhere, we had to rely on endurance fights rather than quick ones. Atm I am puzzled, I have no ideea what to try. I hate % chance astrals and everything that is not reliable.
          There is no point of having block imho. Need to get a good wife with Good bank balance :P, so she can refine my All level 80 Equips . If you know someone then hook me up.
          IGN: Kittylation
          Server: Miniclip
          Br: Never Fixed


          • #35
            Originally posted by DanteMugetsu View Post
            i am a mage and i feel sorry for the block nerf, it should cap higher imho. BUT ITS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO HEAL MORE THAN THE HITS. u cant get hit for 200 and heal for 12k. its out of any game logic i ve played so far. my suggestion would be either cap at 8-10k, or nerf it to like 2-3%, but with the correction of low hits/high heals. ie (get hit for 2k u heal max for 2k, get hit for 20k u heal for the cap)
            From what I've seen, if a knight is healing more than the damage dealt, it's either troops hitting or the BR difference between the knight and the attacker is pretty large. Considering how fast troops die (lvl 70 troops might change this), I don't see being healed by troops for a couple turns as that big an issue. If my attacks are healing the knight for more than the damage I dealt, chances are the BR gap is so large I can't win anyways, even without block heal.


            • #36
              Before a high block/hp knight simply was careful NOT to kill your troops as long as he could. That way it was pretty easy to stay at near full hp at the end of each fight.


              • #37
                Originally posted by StevenDeschain View Post
                The game should have been called bow twang. If your not an archer, your not really needed in the game. If your a mage, occasionally you were asked along in Mp so you could heal, but healing sylph eliminated the need for mages. Necro, Kitty, Sky Trail, Wilds Bosses and World Boss are all designed for archers. You need to do a lot of damage before the critter buffs up to some ridiculous level that is impossible to beat. Group arena formation was changed to benefit the incendiary strike of archers. Before you set a formation that ensured that it could only hit one person. After the change not at all. In the MP, you have to have an archer with scatter or the critters buffs will slaughter you. An archers AOE skills that hit one target will do damage with each strike, for mage and knight still just the one attack. In essence I feel sorry for the knights, a swinging sword should hit faster than a cross bow every time. But with bow twang, this is not the case.

                The class system rock paper scissors, does not apply to this game. Archers dominate everything, or were given things so that they did not need any other class to play co-op.
                In total agreement
                Name: Venia
                Class: Knight (Block soon to be RIP)
                BR: 163k
                Level: 68
                Server: Kabam 85 (merged K83)


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Setsuna88 View Post
                  dont forget knights have a 1s cd slow now too... they nerf it the same moment we finally get something to keep up with archers/mages in skytrail :P
                  1 sec cd slow!! are u for real. That slow cd is like 30 secs


                  • #39
                    Knights are surely and truly dead, only a horribly retarded human being would think otherwise and only a mentally challenged new player will select knight, ONLY crits ( heals and damage alike) and sylphs dominate the game now. Here is the scenario of the 3 classes

                    Archers are the almighty gods of pvp and pve due to their insane crit rates.

                    Mages are the next superb class. Their main advantage is that their MDEF is insane, which means they can tank the most common hercules sylph very nicely( you will most probably use hercules unless you're a super heavy casher who can afford 5 strong sylphs), the rate of hercules usage will go up as ALL OF THE FUTURE EVENTS are based on how fast you can kill, also they can heal themselves up right after taking a hercules hit which def helps.

                    Knights are the slave class of this game, they have got ABSOLUTELY NO ADVANTAGE AT ALL! yeah they have high PDEF, but PDEF is extremely useless in sylph age, a knight will easily get OHKoed by hercules hit coming from same BR archer, but they wont be able to do the same to archers as knights are not blessed with crit boosting passives / active skills, also archers have a better MDEF and same HP than knights so they all count.

                    In other words, archers are the sole dominating force of this game, most likely unbeatable by any other class, knights are the most sorry excuse for a class and any other class can easily ohko a knight at full HP now. Any person who defends knights definitely need some counselling and the poor new people coming into wartune should know to NOT PICK UP A KNIGHT.
                    Last edited by kattuktk; 08-14-2014, 06:49 AM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by DanteMugetsu View Post
                      i am a mage and i feel sorry for the block nerf, it should cap higher imho. BUT ITS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO HEAL MORE THAN THE HITS. u cant get hit for 200 and heal for 12k. its out of any game logic i ve played so far. my suggestion would be either cap at 8-10k, or nerf it to like 2-3%, but with the correction of low hits/high heals. ie (get hit for 2k u heal max for 2k, get hit for 20k u heal for the cap)
                      Well bloodthirsty strike and deflection astral sort of work the same way. Hit for 0 damage, heal for 30k, or hit for 10k, get reflected 40k damage. I know the mechanics are different but the principle is the same no?
                      IGN: AncientEvil
                      Server: EU-271+merged
                      Class: Archer
                      Getting less Evil and more Ancient every day.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by kattuktk View Post
                        Knights are surely and truly dead, only a horribly retarded human being would think otherwise and only a mentally challenged new player will select knight
                        To tell you the truth I still feel sorry for not picking knight class when I started playing this game, no joke intended, just honest truth. They look cool and are hard to play, 2 factors that make me want to pick them.
                        IGN: AncientEvil
                        Server: EU-271+merged
                        Class: Archer
                        Getting less Evil and more Ancient every day.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by KINGQQQQ View Post
                          1 sec cd slow!! are u for real. That slow cd is like 30 secs
                          im talking about the new advanced skill - passive for knights that gives shadow thrasher a slow


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ancev View Post
                            Well bloodthirsty strike and deflection astral sort of work the same way. Hit for 0 damage, heal for 30k, or hit for 10k, get reflected 40k damage. I know the mechanics are different but the principle is the same no?
                            Sure, but there are a few differences:
                            • Bloodthirsty strike is an active skill, which costs rage and has it's cooldown. Not sure how it works nowadays, but I remember archers' healing for 3k vs. knights using that skill
                            • Deflection astral - has way lower chance to trigger than block


                            • #44
                              If you think about it, its like the devs planned to kill off teh knight class right when wartune was 1st made. Knight were popular back in the day when they dominated the endgame. Now they are just trash. Heres why:

                              1. Lets see, the key chars of each class for pve are: Archers-3 advantages- slow+purge+enemy damage debuff. Mages-2 advantages-heals+puri. And knights-1 "advantage"-team damage reduction. Note that this is not even useful because if mages+archers become strong enough, they dont even need to take less damage. Knights are the only class that arent a requirement in pve like spire and mpd. Knight also have disadvantage in solo pve cause they dont have heals or slow, lack damage to finish off fast, making boss get buffs and whatnot and kill them. The only slow method they have is mire rune

                              2. in pvp, using 1 space for a max guardian rune, mages+archers can reduce more damage than knights when they use apollo shield, and they cant even use guardian rune

                              3.Sylphs-even since they came out, theyve been waaaaaay to op. Regardless, pretty much if ur sylph could dish out heavy damage, no amount of iris heals and def can take it. This iis bad for knights cause they are the "def" class. Since archers got heavy patk+crit, they obviously get the advantage. Resistances screwed it up even more. Basically, u need 6 tiems the amount of res crystals to equal the amount of will crystals( thats why theres only 1 spot for res reduc while 6 for res). Out of all 3 classes, knights have the lowest mdef def, and of course, they come out with the super op hercules that targets weak mdef and does crazy damage.

                              4. Block vs crit-block has always always been inferior to crit, making knights inferior to archers. In terms of astrals- crit gets enhanced determination, as well as now the op sacred pieces/gemini which penetrates block, while the only crit bad astral is EGA. Also why theres every type of scroll BUT block. Now, even cw, that used to be hp based, is damage based, giving archer even more advantage. Eventually all class will have to go crit and max damage and get herc(aegis for mage) for pvp.

                              5. The recent patch-screwed us knights even more and we were the only class that got screwed. No slowing in mpd works for all classes. block heal capped, no comment needed

                              6. Knights are the only class without a "stun" skill. ARchers DDS can stun, giving them chance to sylph and 1 shot us while were still stuck in hunman mode. Mages have small stun chance in their delphic too. And for adv skills while we finally got an aoe, it does a mere 195% dmg +something for ***** 100RAGE.

                              7.As proof, data might not be accurate, but the current highest brs are i believe: Pipster-3xxxxx br, Robby, 297xxx br, and oOAceOo-293xxx br. Notice that the order of cashing goes from most to least: knights, mages archers. ANd i bet u that if pros were on the toons(no offense but robbys playing is meh) Theres no way Pipster could beat either of them, and theres no way robby could beat ace. So in pvp, Archers>mages>knights

                              8. Conclusion-the only thing that can save knights is some miracle in the future that gives us heals, stuns, slows etc

                              9. btw new 70 troops coming out that kills knights even more cause the troops are tankier and knigths got horrible atk, so they cant even use herc if they cant clear out troops
                              Last edited by ancienthug; 08-14-2014, 11:34 AM.
                              IGN- Sylph
                              Proficient City s165
                              Lvl 80
                              light casher
                              123k br
                              28k br purple 1 star gaia
                              crit/block build
                              sky trail up to 2-9


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by kattuktk View Post
                                Knights are surely and truly dead, only a horribly retarded human being would think otherwise and only a mentally challenged new player will select knight, ONLY crits ( heals and damage alike) and sylphs dominate the game now. Here is the scenario of the 3 classes

                                Archers are the almighty gods of pvp and pve due to their insane crit rates.

                                Mages are the next superb class. Their main advantage is that their MDEF is insane, which means they can tank the most common hercules sylph very nicely( you will most probably use hercules unless you're a super heavy casher who can afford 5 strong sylphs), the rate of hercules usage will go up as ALL OF THE FUTURE EVENTS are based on how fast you can kill, also they can heal themselves up right after taking a hercules hit which def helps.

                                Knights are the slave class of this game, they have got ABSOLUTELY NO ADVANTAGE AT ALL! yeah they have high PDEF, but PDEF is extremely useless in sylph age, a knight will easily get OHKoed by hercules hit coming from same BR archer, but they wont be able to do the same to archers as knights are not blessed with crit boosting passives / active skills, also archers have a better MDEF and same HP than knights so they all count.

                                In other words, archers are the sole dominating force of this game, most likely unbeatable by any other class, knights are the most sorry excuse for a class and any other class can easily ohko a knight at full HP now. Any person who defends knights definitely need some counselling and the poor new people coming into wartune should know to NOT PICK UP A KNIGHT.
                                You need some counselling too.

