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[Announcement] Wartune Weekly Maintenance August 20th @ 10:00 PM EDT

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  • AwSzain
    do it with guys who needs it as well...

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  • FlorinSGT
    hy i`m from romania and at me is 10.11 so server should start ? right ?

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  • enohaszky
    Panda Guardian

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  • Beefygirl
    Originally posted by Kanoko-chan View Post
    if stupidity would be punished by law you`d be in jail for life. i enjoy dungeon runs... is that a problem? as long as i am writing here means i am alive ,therefore i have a life. i do realize that you want for everyone around you to be a man, guess is you`re little guilty pleasure but some are women. also them don`t write that much on forums cause dumb bas.ta.rds like you appear and spoil the fun.
    LOL too funny Kanoko and I'm a female player and find that there isn't enough to do on this game it gets boring fast and not to mention difficult to get leg stones and insigias for gear is hopeless if you can't participate in GB or GA. Wish there was something done for that instead of a stupid mount. AND WTH is with the prizes for class wars??? Like hello how many times we gotta look at alpaca and piggy?

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  • R24675921
    Originally posted by Kvappe View Post
    This 1 MPD run is awsome, gives big players more time to help little players, you even get more Loids per day this way, so i have no idea why people complain, guess there math is weak so they cant figure out that this is better for all parts.

    xKvappex S197
    One of the downside is when can the big guys can actually help, there are a few who use up 1 attempt for breakthrough to summons for guild members. Now, ppl will have to wait.

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  • koetsu
    in chinese version the VIP mount is the normal Komodo. And the panda was sold like the elephant but for more balence since in china panda have +30 stats

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  • kencret
    long time MT

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  • Outtacontrol
    kvappex you said it best

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  • AwSzain
    Its kinda same with runs... dunno why almost all of u cry about this? 1/3 run, 3x exp... well... u loose 10 summons / day, but i bet u havent got 487395345 skel keys to take a year use them all...

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  • exotic123
    Originally posted by Rimmington View Post
    atleast the check the update and if you don't like then quit, don't be so harsh at beginning lol
    harsh harsh harsh go go hahahahaha

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  • R24675921
    Originally posted by grolich View Post
    The game has been translated from Chinese and r2games are simply applying the same patches that were released in the Chinese version.

    While I do think their price settings are too high and somewhat greedy, the patch contents themselves are NOT put there by r2games just to take more of your money... It's just applying patches that are already there for other versions of the game.

    People are discussing this as if it's totally up to r2games...
    they are in control of prices, packs and events, but not of the patches as far as I know.
    No, they can choose what to implement and what not to, for example the auction house.......... We still don't have it whilst china server already had it a long time ago??..??

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  • enohaszky
    Panda Guardian

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  • evilinside_tm
    Point of whine before every patch? Ppl will get used to it one way or another and realize on end this way is much better x)

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  • Kvappe
    This 1 MPD run is awsome, gives big players more time to help little players, you even get more Loids per day this way, so i have no idea why people complain, guess there math is weak so they cant figure out that this is better for all parts.

    xKvappex S197

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  • Proteas
    more free time....log in less hour !!! cool !!!

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