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Cashing and Cashers:

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  • Originally posted by goordo111 View Post
    ok now now hold on here a second. If a casher is called out for putting money into the game, it is a bad thing? If said casher points out that if said cashers didn't exist neither would the game since the lights aren't cheap in the dark corridors holding server info that is a bad response? I look at the reality of the game, cashers pay the bills by buying things now, even though they can be earned over time, the only thing the are serving is the right not to wait. There isn't a single piece of equipment, mount or other thing on this game that CAN'T be earned through hard diligent work by a non casher. Each year the events are the same, using the same pieces as the year before. So the end of the story is, Cashers keep the lights on so that everyone has a place to go and whine and complain at each other since in Real Life, most game zombies don't yell at each other, since it would involve going out in the light, and their eyes would explode and they would get instant heat stroke from the sun.
    Hellfire mount = cash only
    Underworld steed = Pays to consume or recharge only mount
    Evil alpaca = was in magic pot, pays to consume, and sold directly; never seen it offered as event items
    Panda = VIP only
    Cloudcaller = $1000 and seriously doubt it ever being offered in a free to obtain way; same as hellfire and underworld
    Darknite panther = was giving away based on br but lets be real, the insane amount required for it only achieveable for players around for LONG time or cashers


    • Originally posted by goordo111 View Post
      Each year the events are the same, using the same pieces as the year before.
      Events might be same, but they use different pieces.


      • Originally posted by qphantom View Post
        i dunno if it makes anyone happy to spend $300 or more to get a "virtual" mount. probably more so cashing masking itself as the "competition" that drives the endless cycle. hate to see hard earned money scammed
        The bottom line in your statement is that you don't know. You are trying to base your side of this discussion on an assumption of how others feel without having a point of reference. I am TELLING you as someone who spends that doing so to be "competetive" whether it be on my server or cross server makes me happy. The amount that I or others spend is irrelevant as long as we can afford it. Yes there are those who get caught up and spend more than they "should" but trust me I'm not being scammed out of anything. I am paying for a service. Whether you think that service is worth what I have payed or not is immaterial. Also the entire point of my post (which you ripped a single sentence out of in order to quote it out of context) is that I and those like me do not ALL cash because we suck at the game or want to brag about how rich we may or may not be. We also are not ALL a bunch of addicts spending ourselves into the poor house.
        S130 Dragonmar

        "If you can't take brutal honesty then you are speaking to the wrong person"
        "Touring guild at a time"


        • What I dislike a lot is that how some people say we waste all of our money, have no life, and live in a cave.
          First, if we wasted all of our money, we would not have enough for internet or to pay for anything anymore.
          Second, if we had no life, we wouldn't exist, and couldn't be on here then.
          Third, We do not live in a cave. Most of us work hard for what the money we earn. Yes there are people on here that may won big lotto, are giving the money, and other situations...
          Point is, this is who we are. All of those 'sayings' about us you hear a lot, are wrong.
          “In beauty of face no maiden ever equaled her.
          It was the radiance of an opium-dream - an airy and spirit-
          lifting vision more wildly divine than the fantasies,
          which hovered about the slumbering souls of the daughters of Delos.”


          • Non cashier feels that if you diddnt cash then they would have beaten you. If your in any game that allows you to improve your stats with money, then everyone playing the game knows this and accepts it just by being there. There should be no complaints o.O.


            • Originally posted by Pickapath View Post
              Non cashier feels that if you diddnt cash then they would have beaten you. If your in any game that allows you to improve your stats with money, then everyone playing the game knows this and accepts it just by being there. There should be no complaints o.O.
              Then non cashers should just cash and beat people who cash. No point in arguing over what if scenarios.


              • Originally posted by Tranc3motion View Post
                Then non cashers should just cash and beat people who cash. No point in arguing over what if scenarios.
                haha yep. In the game i was in before wartunes, you could cash too, but you could only buy enhanced weapons to up your stats. What stats went up depend on what weapon you buy etc. i was called a wallet warrior for cashing on a weapon, sure it gave me an edge but its ment to....anyway this guy was giving me alot of grief saying i was unskilled to need the weapon i offered to buy him a weapon of his choice and duel him to settle it..he refused the offer lol!!!!!


                • Originally posted by Tranc3motion View Post
                  Then non cashers should just cash and beat people who cash. No point in arguing over what if scenarios.
                  Most of the whiners do not think. That is why they're arguing over such scenarios. They just expect everyone to adopt their way of thinking as the most sensible and right way to spend one's $$$ and cannot comprehend the fact that having $$$ and not having any skill can actually be mutually exclusive. Some just want to troll for fun or increase their post count so what we say doesn't matter as they'll think of ridiculous ways to continue the debate. Only good thing we get out of it is seeing our own post counts increase =P
                  IGN: Athena
                  Guild: Warriors
                  Server: S5 - Roaring Wetlands
                  Class: Archer
                  Difficulty Level: Noob
                  BR: 176k / 180k (with block and hp astral instead of illusion and deflect =P)


                  • Originally posted by FarrelBrown View Post
                    The bottom line in your statement is that you don't know. You are trying to base your side of this discussion on an assumption of how others feel without having a point of reference. I am TELLING you as someone who spends that doing so to be "competetive" whether it be on my server or cross server makes me happy. The amount that I or others spend is irrelevant as long as we can afford it. Yes there are those who get caught up and spend more than they "should" but trust me I'm not being scammed out of anything. I am paying for a service. Whether you think that service is worth what I have payed or not is immaterial. Also the entire point of my post (which you ripped a single sentence out of in order to quote it out of context) is that I and those like me do not ALL cash because we suck at the game or want to brag about how rich we may or may not be. We also are not ALL a bunch of addicts spending ourselves into the poor house.
                    lots of emotions and "i can spend how ever much i feel like" and very little substance...

                    1 - ALL and NONE statements will have many exceptions which i don't think i've made. regardless, yes comparable cashers can skillfully battle but it excludes a ton of players with potential so the competition is diluted/limited due to cashing limits

                    2 - again, how one chooses to spend their money is their business (agreed - like i said, a wardrobe for all the clowns) until it interferes with others and the nature of how it should have been. games are built on balance and maintaining that balance with increasing complexities (ie, archer, knight, mage, skills, talents, etc). if that balance is drastically broken with a significant dominance of one class, there would be an uproar or simply more people would be playing that character. same thing applies to cashers w/o limits, it can significantly alter that balance for the players and the only option is a cash war "competition" which many try as they might simply have to throw in the towel because it is endless for any income and gets ridiculous

                    3 - what Eskendal (sp) said was perfect ~$50/mo limits which isn't surprising because games used to cost $50 per game and then games with subscriptions costing $30/mo. $1000/mo? they're milking. shieeett...

                    4 - what i've claimed from the get go was that unchecked cashing = "legalized" cheating/hacking/imbalance
                    Wartune Tips and Guides:


                    • Originally posted by FarrelBrown View Post
                      I am TELLING you as someone who spends that doing so to be "competetive" whether it be on my server or cross server makes me happy
                      so this guy cash to be competitive
                      but being competitive = do not suck
                      Originally posted by FarrelBrown View Post
                      Also the entire point of my post (which you ripped a single sentence out of in order to quote it out of context) is that I and those like me do not ALL cash because we suck at the game or want to brag about how rich we may or may not be.
                      then he say that they do not ALL cash because they suck or because they want to brag their wealth

                      It could be:
                      1. You cash because the money is irrelevant. You have lots of money and afford it easily.


                      2. You character suck and want it to be on top/competitive.


                      3. Both

                      for those who keep saying that whiners should just quit:
                      They don't have to. They whine just to annoy people sometimes, to trashtalk, to share the same despair they feel when they lose. It makes them feel better. Quitting doesn't make them feel better. For example, in amethyst mines, you dont quit the game when someone plunders you from 100 ores to 60 ores every single day. You will want your revenge. You will collect 60 ore per day and dump it asap, then spend the rest of your time attacking him so that he lose double time.
                      Last edited by mageheal50; 02-19-2014, 02:33 AM.


                      • Unless you somehow feel guilty about cashing, who cares. These people who call you a "casher" are just haters who cant afford to spend money on the game so turn into haters. Lets face it without "cashers" these freeloaders wouldn't be freeloading now would they.


                        • Well I bought the Phantom Yeti cuz his is so fat, furry and cute! Dam casher LOL


                          • "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent" . If cashers feel that being called a "casher" is an insult then they only have themselves to blame, somehow they are feeling guilty about cashing.


                            • I think a lot of the players don't realise that, yes, we throw a bit of money at the game but with the slow levelers also plan and wait at a bracket. I've been in the 40 bracket for 3+ months now, going to be here another 2, that's another reason that my BR is above average. Most of the ones that complain are low BR'ed power levelers, bah and they no doubt pick on weaker players to get their rank and are annoyed when they can't defend that rank!

                              So, players complain that they are put in higher brackets for BGs, yes that sucks, i leave 45-54 as soon as i enter, no impatient power leveler is stealing my honor with their pets and HS! -_- What next, there will be a BR bracket in BGs too?!

                              As for over cashers, i mention it, but it's not derogatory... some people spend a lot of money in this game and it's none of my business, let them get on with it.

                              Oh and nooby Gingy, stop your whining already!
                              IGN: Decima
                              Guild: Elysium
                              Server: S5 (Europe)
                              Class: Mage (Level 80)

                              Winterfrost Legacy *shakes fist at Ginba*
                              IGN : Decima (spotting a trend?)
                              Server : 59 (Europe)
                              Class : Nooby sissy shaman!


                              • Originally posted by Deeelinquent View Post
                                I think a lot of the players don't realise that, yes, we throw a bit of money at the game but with the slow levelers also plan and wait at a bracket. I've been in the 40 bracket for 3+ months now, going to be here another 2, that's another reason that my BR is above average. Most of the ones that complain are low BR'ed power levelers, bah and they no doubt pick on weaker players to get their rank and are annoyed when they can't defend that rank!

                                So, players complain that they are put in higher brackets for BGs, yes that sucks, i leave 45-54 as soon as i enter, no impatient power leveler is stealing my honor with their pets and HS! -_- What next, there will be a BR bracket in BGs too?!

                                As for over cashers, i mention it, but it's not derogatory... some people spend a lot of money in this game and it's none of my business, let them get on with it.

                                Oh and nooby Gingy, stop your whining already!
                                From castle age, to wartune, not surprising you would slow level to kick everyones butt :P
                                Wartune's Cookie is retired. In game drama and Cashing is outrageous. Enjoy peeps!

                                Server: [S242] Whitecrown- IGN: Cookie - Guild: DevilsGate - Class: Sorcerer - VIP: level 7 - Set: Heroic/Imperial - level: 71 - BR: 2.06 mil - Angel: lvl 80 Eostre

