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What do you think of the wilds events.

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  • #76
    Originally posted by JkLoser87 View Post
    I heard a team on my server beat it(80 dark)...(checking ranking) 173k mage 158k mage, 187k archer and 155 archer.

    Would say that is the optimal team set up, cause you can scatter and puri enough to get all the buffs/debuffs off.
    Yeah, sadly knights are useless there :/


    • #77
      what u talking bout 155k mage 140k archer 155k archer and 150k knight easy killed dark lvl 80, just need to scatter and inc, electric on the other hand is impossible just does random 180k hits lol


      • #78
        Originally posted by care90 View Post
        what u talking bout 155k mage 140k archer 155k archer and 150k knight easy killed dark lvl 80, just need to scatter and inc, electric on the other hand is impossible just does random 180k hits lol
        oh nice~

        I've tried bright angel lvl 80 today, feeling very easy, even easier than lvl 70 AQ

        electric, if I have chance want to try it XD
        SERVER: Kong Server 4 Oceanic (others see us as Kong-S6)
        IGN: Kimwong
        CLASS: Knight
        PLAYER TYPE: Light casher
        BATTLE RATING: 300K - 420K range
        Casual playing now, not gonna spend too much time


        • #79
          Originally posted by kimwong View Post
          electric, if I have chance want to try it XD
          You might seriously regret saying that lol


          • #80
            The event itself is okay a few bugs here and there only problem is that lvl 40-70 elite monsters get wiped out in the first 20 min, and the normal monsters are gone after five not to mention that the bosses don't spawn at times, that and few ppl won't even try to help, at least this happens in my server,


            • #81
              Lol for me its hard to get a proper team. One is on a different map and other on different. Hard to get all together in one map. Also, the easiest bosses are killed quick so we don't get to kill any bosses. Frustrating.The monsters and elite bosses are ok for me. They are easy, and not hard to find.
              Originally posted by Seraph09 View Post
              The event itself is okay a few bugs here and there only problem is that lvl 40-70 elite monsters get wiped out in the first 20 min, and the normal monsters are gone after five not to mention that the bosses don't spawn at times, that and few ppl won't even try to help, at least this happens in my server,
              Server- BriarWall Forst S494
              Name- MrGaD
              Guild- Û©GodsÛ©
              Level- 59
              Battle Rating- 64.5K


              • #82
                Ok, I take back what I said yesterday. It's a huge pain in the *** to find the 5 reg mobs.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by FufuBunnySlayer View Post
                  Ok, I take back what I said yesterday. It's a huge pain in the *** to find the 5 reg mobs.
                  They get killed so fast that you don't even find it


                  • #84
                    My issue is with the fog of war in 2 parts.

                    1. In a Party, I can't see where my teammates are because they're under fog of war. We should all share each other's Fog of War Vision.
                    2. Fog of War is supposed to suppress the unknown. Not where you've already traveled. Once uncovered, it should remain uncovered until a player either leaves the Wilds or until the mobs reset.

                    The way this Fog of War works is just annoying and grows frustration. Get it right, and you've added a nice aspect to the game.


                    • #85
                      I like it but it takes way too much time even splitting up. It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so many lvl 40 and 50 elites and monsters in the erandel map. Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to have 40 monsters in a 51+ zone. Need more 70 and 80 ones!
                      Archer ~ 490k+ Battle Rating ~ Level 80 ~ Main sylph gold hercules


                      • #86
                        I agree with you a lot.
                        Originally posted by Zorich View Post
                        My issue is with the fog of war in 2 parts.

                        1. In a Party, I can't see where my teammates are because they're under fog of war. We should all share each other's Fog of War Vision.
                        2. Fog of War is supposed to suppress the unknown. Not where you've already traveled. Once uncovered, it should remain uncovered until a player either leaves the Wilds or until the mobs reset.

                        The way this Fog of War works is just annoying and grows frustration. Get it right, and you've added a nice aspect to the game.
                        Server- BriarWall Forst S494
                        Name- MrGaD
                        Guild- Û©GodsÛ©
                        Level- 59
                        Battle Rating- 64.5K


                        • #87
                          It's a great concept, but how it was executed out is quite poorly.

                          It would have been better to create a whole new world for these monsters rather than merging them into the wilds that we have. The monsters are scattered all over the world maps, and because you're spending your time hunting in one map, you miss out what's happening in the other maps. There's no guarantee that the map that you're searching has any good finds left. Jumping maps becomes a struggle when working in a team if not everyone has the jumping capacity. Asking for help means the one helping would have to potentially jump maps just to be able to do so. Having one world for these monsters would mean everyone starts off in the same place. Teamwork and getting help becomes much easier to deal with. Finding good finds outside of your level and sharing that information would make it more worthwhile as players wouldn't have to jump maps just to be able to go after it.

                          Erandel, the smallest map yet the most populated in older servers, harbors 30 levels of players. It seems to have almost an equal number of monsters as other maps, but the main difference is that the average monster level ranges from 50-80. In my server, there's too many level 70 and 80 elite and boss monsters that can't be taken down by the average player, even some of the top ones. We're just not quite at that level. But after maybe an hour after the event time resets, that's usually all that one is able to find. It doesn't make sense for there to be equal amounts of monsters of each level bracket. A better algorithm is needed. It can be said that servers have an average level for players. When the majority of players are a certain level bracket, it means that those maps will incur the most traffic. And as a result, those maps will be cleared out sooner as a result. It would make more sense for those maps to have a larger amounts of monsters of the average level bracket.

                          I strongly agree with Zorich's post (post #84). The Fog of War implemented makes the event more of a struggle rather than a feature. Having a Fog of War like Zorich describes lessen the player complaints and frustrations. Instead of having items that temporarily dispel the fog for a short while, you can have items that widen your field of vision (..or a turbo mode).

                          The field of view should move with your character. In the previous wilds, it made sense that you could search the map without having to have your hero in the view that you're seeing. Your hero could be nowhere near, and when you find a target, you issue the attack actions, and your hero would go to that spot. Now that concept doesn't work anymore. The entire map is fogged out, so searching outside of your hero's field of view doesn't make sense. Players right now are required to chose the destination target to head to, and then manually follow the hero as he moves to that location. They need to either continuously click on the HERO button, or drag the map. The view that you are seeing should center around your hero, as it does in dungeons.

                          In adding this new wilds event to the wilds, you've depreciated the previous functions of the wilds. Player plundering and gold mine activities have been obscured to the addition of the fog. Those 2 items are worth 5 devotion points each, but the wilds event addition have made it challenging to carry out. Almost want to say remove those features and add the devotion points elsewhere.

                          Last but not least is the difficulty. The way the game has been headed lately, with so many exp given out, players are pushed to level up to reach the last level possible. Unless a player does some good spending, it usually means they'll get there not having the best character possible. But these huge br wild monsters require some pretty impressive players, especially as you start approaching the last brackets. Not just anyone can do the level 70+ elite and boss monsters. Due to the 15 level difference rule, players that leveled up fast but didn't grow their br equally as much are pretty much penalized in this event. They can't compete. There should be a bigger variety in monster strength enough to accommodate some of the lower strength players, maybe with reduced rewards, or make it so that they can attack 15 levels below their level and still get partial reward.

                          I like the idea of the wilds event, I just don't like how it was not well thought out and how it got incorporated into the game.

                          I'm Going To Stand Outside..
                          So If Anyone Asks..
                          I'm OUTSTANDING!


                          • #88
                            Like circuit, waste of time


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Reylinna View Post
                              I like it but it takes way too much time even splitting up. It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so many lvl 40 and 50 elites and monsters in the erandel map. Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to have 40 monsters in a 51+ zone. Need more 70 and 80 ones!
                              More lvl 60s I've always find 80s 70s and 50s


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Seraph09 View Post
                                They get killed so fast that you don't even find it
                                Yeah...and they're so weak that a lot of low lvl people (50-69) are killing the 70s and 80s :/

